



The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
05-11-2021, 10:46 PM

This was by far the farthest out from the castle she had been on her own, but for once she actually wanted to be out of the castle. Tamsyn was more or less healed - physically at least - so she didn't feel the need to constantly tend to her wounds. With the warmer weather her eagerness to hunt for herbs had only grown tenfold. To top it all off... Resin was gone. After all this time, all this waiting and heartache, Resin was gone. It hadn't ended at all the way she had expected, but it had happened and now she didn't want to be anywhere near the castle or the mourning or the sadness. She just wanted to be out and hunting for herbs and pretending that nothing happened. So far she was succeeding and Eilwen was flying close over head, keeping an eye out on the path ahead.

It was the first time she had been out with the new freedoms they had been allowed after their birthdays as well so she was curious to see what all she would be able to find within Auster. It was getting to be late afternoon so she knew she would need to be heading back soon enough, but when they found the forest of giant oak trees she just had to check and look for herbs around the trunks of the impressive trees. So far there had mostly been various types of ivy creeping across the ground and around the trunks, but she also knew that summer was just beginning. Herbs were still oh so slowly coming back so she might have to make a few trips as things continued to improve.

She came across a large, fallen log, hollowed out by time and big enough to even be considered a den. It drew her curiosity, wondering if perhaps she might find some mushrooms growing inside. She slipped into the shadows of the fallen log, blinking to adjust her eyes and creeping forward as she looked along the inside of this nature made hideaway. Her search was interrupted by a rumbling growl from the other end of the hollow log and she froze, her marbled eyes going wide and her hackles bristling. Up ahead, there was a portion of the log where the "roof" had caved in, creating a pool of sunlight between her and the darkness that hid whatever it was that she was apparently intruding on. She slowly began to back away and after a moment the face of an angry saber cat crept into view, vicious and snarling.

Fear shot through her at the sight and she continued to back away until she was clear of the entrance to the log and then turned and took off running, yelling, "Eilwen!!" She knew her raven couldn't fight a saber cat, but she could at least find help perhaps and it was the only creature she knew that was near by. She darted into the trees as the saber cat chased after her, the feline's roar making her fur stand on end as she ducked and darted around the trees, her heart hammering in her chest. At some point as she tried to make her way out of the forest her foot got tangled in a bit of ivy and she tripped, sending her sprawling across the ground with a thud, desperately trying to scramble back to her feet as the saber cat advanced on her.

Gwynevere | Eilwen