
Close Your Eyes, Sometimes It Helps




7 Years
Athena I

Samhain 20221K
05-11-2021, 11:23 PM
He could hear her talking behind him at he began to walk away. Telling him how she tried to replace her lost children. How she had tried to replace her former mate. Pleading with him. That she loved him. That stopped him like a knife though the heart, making him wince as his claws ripped at the young grass beneath his feet. Him. Whoever he was. The love he thought they had wasn't enough. It never had been. He had dedicated himself to a pipe dream and that hurt more than he could possibly describe. He had known that his chances of having a real relationship with her after this infidelity had been slim, but this just told him that any hopes he had thought were there were just delusional on his part and he was furious at her and at himself for ever thinking otherwise. He was furious with whoever this other man was that had gone along with all of this as well. Had he not known about her children? Did he not care?

He stood there, facing away from her for a long moment, gritting his teeth and searching for anything to direct his anger toward. He wanted to solely be mad at her, he wanted to lash out, he wanted to make her feel the pain that he felt. But he couldn't. Even though he was seething with anger that he didn't know how to feel or how to control, he still couldn't bring himself to hurt her. Actually hurt her. She was still carrying children - children of the bastard that had stolen her heart from him, but children none of the less. He couldn't risk harming the innocent children in his own presuits for revenge. But he could focus on the other half of this equation. The man that had put those children there in the first place.

"Who is he?" he asked through clenched teeth, a snarl pulling at his lips. He had asked her this before and she had refused to answer, but this time he demanded it as he turned back toward her again, crossing the space between them. He hooked a paw around her jaw, forcing her head away from where her face was hidden from him, giving her no choice but to look him in his pained, blue gaze, his dark cheeks stained with tears. "Who is he!" he demanded again, a sob catching in his throat, his paw squeezing at her jaw.

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