




Advanced Hunter (75)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years
Dire wolf

05-11-2021, 11:25 PM

Warm breeze whistled through the old forest, the whispers of the trees carried on the earth's breath. It tousled his fur gently, reminding him of the promise of warmer days to come. It was about time; this damned extended winter had hindered his ability to track his quarry with any effectiveness. But now he was on the path again. His hunt could continue...

Standing between the towering trees, the large dire brute dressed in dark brown hues almost seemed to disappear amongst the sturdy dark trunks of the oaks. His blending hazel eyes danced over a large patch of Motherwort sprouting against the base of one of the trees in particular, deft paws nimbly plucking the leaves from the stems and gathering them up into a sizable pile. He knew what excessive amounts of the herb could do to a wolf—which was exactly why he had been so hellbent on tracking it down. Now that he had a stockpile of it, he felt closer to his goals than he had in a long, long time. His lips twitched in something crossed between a sneer and a smirk while he gathered up all of the leaves he had plucked, combining it with the salvia he had foraged from a nearby ridge filled with bones. The two together would make for a very potent concoction, one he was about to stake his life on.

No sooner had he finished gathering up his bounty, Kane heard a distinctly feminine scream from somewhere nearby, nearly making him jump out of his fur. His head snapped up in an instant, ears twisting like radar dishes to try and pinpoint where the sound had come from. Then suddenly—there! The same voice screamed a name, the vocals contorted with fear. Someone was in distress. He pursed his lips, hesitating long enough to look down at the pile of herbs he had painstakingly tracked down, and heaved a sigh. If someone was in trouble and he ignored them for his own purposes...

Rolling his head with a growl of frustration, Kane launched himself to his paws and raced after the sound, leaving the herbs behind. He sprinted swiftly through the trees, leaping over fallen limbs and rushing through undergrowth. His nostrils flared as he ran, taking in the scents of the forest around him. He picked up on the smell of a female just upwind of him; that had to be her. His paws changed direction on a dime, hurrying right for her. He jumped onto a toppled tree still propped up at a diagonal with its broken trunk and ran up it, elevating himself just enough to spot the little black-furred girl on the ground while a tremendous sabertooth tiger advanced on her. He scowled; if he didn't intervene, this young wolf would be dead in a matter of moments.

He didn't even think, he just acted. Kane let out a high-pitched whistle to catch the tiger's attention, then leaped down from the tree and jumped between the girl and the predator with a vicious snarl, lips peeling back from his own saber fangs while he glowered at the tiger. The feline seemed surprised by the sudden appearance of a much larger wolf, but snarled and did not back down. "No no no, you're not getting her today," he growled, mostly talking to himself while he began to pace to keep the sidestepping tiger from making a move toward the girl. "Stay behind me, girl. No matter what happens, stay behind me." The sabertooth roared and stomped two massive paws, trying to intimidate the wolves. Kane didn't even flinch, staring the cat in its yellow eyes while growling and whistling occasionally to keep its attention on him while he strafed side to side to block the feline at every turn.

"Hey, don't you look at her! Look at me. Yeah, that's right... I got fangs too. And I bite." He snapped his jaws at the feline, showing off his own fangs that matched the cat's. The sabertooth roared again and lunged towards Kane, forcing the dire wolf to recoil a few steps back. It was getting bold, and a fight was unavoidable now. "Get back, girl! I've got the cat, you run!"


As his mate, Tamsyn may enter his threads not marked as Private.