



The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
05-12-2021, 12:57 AM

Gwynevere watched in horror as the earthen-hued stranger faced off with the saber cat, the two clashing together in a flurry of strikes and bites, at one point throwing the big cat into one of the massive trees and smelling the familiar tang of blood on the breeze as the cat's paw raked at the man's sides. She barely heard Eilwen telling her that they needed to get out of there, that they needed to get back to the castle while they had the freedom to do so, but the fight just kept getting worse and Gwyn couldn't just abandon the man that had saved her. He was clearly going to need help when the fight was over - as long as he actually made it out of the fight at all. She felt helpless as she watched the saber cat get him pinned to the ground a little panicked gasp catching in her throat as its big fangs went diving in toward the wolf's throat. But he moved in the nick of time and Gwyn watched as the cat bit deep into his shoulder instead and it allowed the man to rip at the cat's throat, killing it and eventually pushing it off of him.

There was a moment of quiet and silence following the snarling chaos, the only sound she could hear was the stranger's breathing and the sound of the breeze rustling the leaves. Suddenly she sprung into action, leaping to her paws and jumping down from her perch, racing over to his side and skidding to a halt beside him. "Oh no, oh no, oh no..." she muttered to herself as she slid her satchel off of her neck and flipped the flap open to start rummaging around in what little supplies she had, her brow creasing with thought. She glanced toward his face just to see if he was still awake, telling him, "It's okay, I've got this, it's alright," partially assuring him and partially assuring herself. The deep cuts along his torso were bleeding pretty heavily as well as the massive bite to his shoulder. She took a closer look at the wounds, her careful paws pressing around the wounds and that's when she noticed the broken off tooth in his shoulder. She grimaced at the sight, but didn't touch it yet.

What would they have around here that they could use... "Eilwen, go around to the logs and see if you can find any moss," she instructed the pale raven without looking up, hearing the flutter of wings as she took off to do just that. In the mean time Gwynevere focused on the claw marks over his ribs, pulling out the rolls of cloth she had tucked away in her bag. She unrolled a portion of them them over the wounds, pressing with her paws to apply pressure to them as they soaked away some of the access blood and allowed it a moment to begin to clot while she considered what was in her bag. There was a tiny bit of yarrow left, but if anything she would rather save that for his shoulder. She knew she wouldn't have enough horsetail to seal up all of this and there was certainly not going to be any in a place like this. Gods, he just had to be ripped to pieces right now when she had none of the supplies she needed!

Then she saw the pieces of seaweed that she had collected with that nice woman on the beach and she got an idea. She had been wanting to experiment with it, but hadn't had the chance. She didn't know if now was really the best time, but she didn't know if she had another choice. Eilwen came back right in that moment, bridging several big clumps of moss clutched between her talons and in her beak. "Perfect! Now take the seaweed from my bag and go wet it and soften it up - I think I saw a stream back that way," she said with a nod of her head. Dutifully, the raven did just that while Gwyn carefully pulled away the cloths she had been pressing to the cuts on his side. They were completely soaked through, but the cuts no longer were gushing blood and she could see the sliced flesh clearly now to be able to treat them. She quickly chewed up a bit of willow bark from her bag and got that applied to the wounds before Eilwen returned with her makeshift bandages of seaweed and she started laying the strips of slick leaves across the area to cover the open wounds and seal in the simple poultice. The seaweed wasn't going to stay on its own, but it would hopefully be enough for now and then once he was able to sit up a bit she could tie them on with her remaining cloths.

Shifting a bit to be able to focus on his shoulder better, her ears flicked uncertainly when she saw the saber cat tooth lodged in the muscle again. "I'm sorry I don't have anything for the pain," she told him, resting her paws on either side of the wound as she started making a plan for how she was going to go about this. "Just stay still as you can, okay?" She glanced to Eilwen and the raven brought over the clumps of moss, landing on the massive man's shoulder and beginning to carefully place moss in the open puncture wound that wasn't currently filled with a fang. Gwynevere added a bit of pressure to the wound with another cloth when that was done, making sure that it would stop the bleeding the way she thought and after a few moments it at least contained it well enough that she felt confident enough to move on to the worst task of it all. She carefully gripped the end of the tooth between her teeth, holding his shoulder still as she pulled it free as gently as possible, Eilwen ready and waiting to start filling the wound with moss as well. She felt it come free and she tossed the tooth to the side, adding some more moss to the gushing wound as well before reaching for the yarrow she had in her bag and quickly chewing it into a paste, adding it in with the moss as she pressed down on the wound, holding a layered up cloth over it when all the treatments she had at her disposal were applied.

She held still like that for a bit, just letting the moss do its job and putting pressure on the wounds to get the bleeding to stop. None of it would feel pleasant, she was sure of that, but now wasn't really any of the ideal things she would have done for him. She looked to his teal marked face again, asking, "Are you still with me? What's your name?" Anything to get him talking, keep him with her. Keep him awake, keep him alive, that was the goal.

Gwynevere | Eilwen