




Advanced Hunter (75)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years
Dire wolf

05-12-2021, 01:21 AM

Kane had been staring down the black wolf so intensely that he didn't notice the young girl come running back to him until he felt something touching and shifting his body. Every movement ached and made him grit his teeth against the pain, but at least he was still feeling it. The numbness of death hadn't taken his body yet, which meant the black wolf would stay at bay. And sure enough, it did, hovering just on his peripheral vision while he felt the girl inspecting his injuries. Kane was only half paying attention to the things she was saying, taking to someone else about finding supplies. Was there another wolf here? Oh, no, never mind, there went a white raven. Either his brain was shutting down and hallucinating or that's who she was talking to. Soft bandages were wound around the cuts on his torso, helping to stem the bleeding. Damp, cool, and wet materials were applied all over his injuries and lacerations, most of which he couldn't identify in his current state. They stung, each and every one, but that meant they were working.

Time felt like it was moving in a vacuum, minutes inching into hours when really it had only been seconds. He began to get his wits about him again, still staring at the hazy figure of the black wolf beside a distant tree, staring at him with empty black eyes. Kane stared back, unafraid, wincing every so often while the girl set to patching him up with whatever she had on hand in the summer forest. After a few long minutes, he heard her apologize for not having anything to soothe his pain. Kane just grunted in response, muttering under his breath, "Don't worry about me..." He was just grateful to be alive and that she was safe. Anything she did to help him was just a bonus for his good karma. At least, that's what he hoped, and that he wasn't actually about to just die. His ear flicked to catch her softly spoken instructions, and his paws scratched at the dirt in preparation for what was about to come.

Even though he had been expecting it, the moment the girl pulled the saber fang from his shoulder, Kane screamed in pain through clenched teeth, tearing up paws full of grass and earth. Blood poured profusely from the gaping wound until it was sealed up, the dire brute breathing hard and woozy. He blinked his eyes open—and suddenly the black wolf was gone, nowhere to be seen. A wide, triumphant grin split Kane's muzzle and he gave a weak, wheezing laugh. He had won yet again. "I'm here. I'm here," he responded, his husky voice hoarse and strained through the agonizing pain and the high of life he was riding right now. He winced and groaned while she applied pressure to the puncture wound on his shoulder, using all his self-restraint to keep from pulling away from her on reflex. She was a healer too, and she was trying to save him. He would not make her job any more difficult, nor would he allow her to fail by dying now.

She asked him his name, and earned another weak laugh from the man. "Kan... Kaneon... Kaneonuskatew," he struggled to get out, gnashing his teeth together against the fire radiating out from his shoulder. "Of the Riveeeeer-aaargh, fuck!" He tore at the earth again, leaving trenches the size of his large paws in the ground, but still trying to keep from squirming or fighting. He sucked in hard, shallow breaths to combat the pain that nearly had him blacking out, asking her simply once he got himself under control, "You... Are you hurt...?" He had to know that he hadn't gotten this badly maimed only to fail at protecting her too.


As his mate, Tamsyn may enter his threads not marked as Private.