



The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
05-12-2021, 10:36 AM

She appreciated the thought behind telling her not to worry about him in regards to suppressing the pain, but she also knew that was before she actually went ahead and pull the broken off tooth free. His screams of pain made her wince guiltily, but she continued on with her treatments anyway, knowing that there wasn't much option. Either she made him put up with the pain and get him patched up well enough to get him home or he would just be left to bleed out here and she certainly wasn't going to let that happen. Not after he had saved her life. Hearing his laugh, no matter if she didn't know what had caused it, did ease a bit of her worries as did his assurances that he was still with her. He was still in really rough shape, but he certainly wouldn't be dying today and that made her relax some, smiling softly as she glanced up at Eilwen who had flown up to a near by branch just to keep from putting any additional pressure on the man's shoulder.

She didn't let up on the pressure on his wound despite how his huge paws raked at the ground and the obvious pain he was in, not until she was sure that the bleeding had been stemmed. With a wound that deep and substantial getting it to stop bleeding at all with such limited resources felt like a miracle so she wasn't going to take any chances. She blinked at him when he gave her his name, a long, complicated thing that she certainly wouldn't be able to repeat back. It was followed up by a title of some sort - of the river - which she couldn't determine was what he used as a last name or if that was the name of his home land or perhaps a pack? She didn't ponder it much as her ears folded back at the cry of pain he gave again. She had to get him back to the castle, but at this point she didn't know if he'd even be able to walk and he was so big that she wasn't confident that even if he leaned on her she'd be able to get him back.

His question made her ears perk and she looked at him with a confused blink. He was asking her if she was hurt when he was like this? It made her smile softly and she replied, "No... No, I'm fine. I'm really glad you showed up when you did though... I certainly wouldn't have been fine for much longer." She thought about how certain she had been that she was going to die to that saber cat just moments before he leapt in-between them. It sent a little shiver through her and she made herself refocus on her tasks to keep herself from thinking about it. Looking at his shoulder, she carefully lifted away her paws and the cloth she had been using to absorb some of the excess blood. She breathed a relieved sigh when she saw that the solution she had come up with was holding for now and she reached into her bag to get the small amount of horsetail she had to create a sticky paste, covering the edges of the wound and the moss just to make sure nothing came lose as they worked their way back to the castle.

"I live in a pack just on the other side of the forest that direction," she said, pointing off through the trees. "Do you think you could walk that far? I can have Eilwen go get our alpha and my brother to help get you back if you need it." She wasn't giving him the option of not going back with her. She wanted to make sure she got to clean and treat his wounds properly so they wouldn't get infected. This field triage certainly wasn't going to cut it.

Gwynevere | Eilwen