
Dreams don't always come true - I hope

Iroh <3



4 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
05-12-2021, 12:34 PM
Iroh swiftly became accustomed to having Elise at his side when he slept, being without her never felt right. He loved her and being able to share his life with her, and in turn sharing hers. They were going out on patrol together today and Iroh was going to help Elise find out if she had the spirit of a warrior inside after all. Iroh was excited, to spend his time with her and to show her one of the skills he knew best. He had taken a while to drift to sleep and he’d remain light through the night. When Elise began to mumble and stir next to him Iroh was swiftly woken.

Iroh held her close to his chest, expecting her to wake up slowly in his arms. She continued to dream, stirring with distress while struggling to claw herself into wakefulness. ”Elise,” he called out and she held onto him tightly before suddenly blinking open her beautiful blue eyes. She relaxed only slightly as she realized she was awake and confessed softly to a terrible dream.

The Abraxas man leaned in to kiss his woman, offering a comforting embrace as he snuggled back in the furs with her and held her tightly to his chest. ”It was just a dream. Don’t worry.” He assured her, rocking her gently as he kissed her forehead and wrapped himself around her more protectively. As though he could shield her from the night terrors with his body alone.
Where My Demons Hide