




Advanced Hunter (75)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years
Dire wolf

05-12-2021, 01:34 PM

Just as soon as the pain from his would-be field trauma surgeon had begun, it too began to ebb away into a painful ache rather than feeling like hot knives being driven into his flesh. Kane lay still under the girl's paws, letting her keep a constant pressure on the throbbing wound to stem the flow of blood and allow her liquid bandages to adhere to him. Slowly, slowly he began to feel the pain slipping further away. When she confirmed that she was unharmed, Kane released a relieved sigh, his eyelids drooping closed for a moment while he focused on trying to ignore the pain. "Good..." he murmured, grateful that his efforts hadn't been in vain. What a terrible way to die, mauled by a sabertooth tiger and having nothing to show for it. He felt her messing with the bandage on his shoulder, then her sigh of relief, giving him another reason to relax. Whatever she was doing was working, apparently.

While the girl finished patching him up to the best of her abilities, she mentioned her pack just a short walk away. Even though it was close, even that distance seemed like an insurmountable task to the injured brute. He gazed through the woods in the direction she pointed, trying to do a mental self diagnosis to know if he could even stand. "Only one way to find out," he remarked, already making a slow roll to his belly, and like wise his paws. Every movement ached and hurt, feeling like he'd had a boulder dropped on him—or a six hundred pound saber cat. Kane groaned and grunted while he forced himself to stand, his legs quivering with the strain, muscles weak from fatigue, pain, and the blood loss. But he managed to get himself up again, albeit a little unsteady. Thank the gods for that; at least then he wouldn't have to be carted back to some pack like an invalid. "Please, allow me to save some shreds of my dignity," he teased in reply, still able to smirk with a roguish gleam in his hazel eyes. He might have been foolhardy enough to refuse the crutches of her brother, but he wasn't daft enough to think he was fine either.

Once he felt confident enough to take a step, Kane moved forward—and sucked in a sharp breath to silence the yelp when burning pain flashed through his injured shoulder. Okay, so it looked like he'd be limping there. "I think I can make it... Just go slow and I'll be right beside you," Kane said, looking to the girl who had saved his life in turn now, his vision swirling a little bit as dizziness spun his brain. They would need to get to her pack fast if he wanted to get there while conscious and on his feet, otherwise he might still succumb to blood loss.


As his mate, Tamsyn may enter his threads not marked as Private.