



The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
05-12-2021, 02:14 PM

Gwynevere stepped back to give him some room as he started to roll to his feet, keeping a gentle paw on his side to make sure the seaweed she had applied wouldn't fall right off. It had started to dry into almost like a shell or cast as the water left the leaves again which would probably make for a good way to keep herbs moist after they had been applied, but maybe wasn't so good for having to travel. She smirked a little when he teased about letting him keep some of his dignity. Well, she always took having humor as a good sign. As soon as he was up she nodded for Eilwen to get the last couple of thin rolls of fabric and the two of them quickly wrapped the bandages around his middle, holding the seaweed and treatments in place more firmly. They did the same thing around his shoulder with the last bit of fabric, but not as thickly or securely as she would have liked. That was the theme of this whole interaction - get things just good enough.

With that done she came to look at him again, nodding in agreement when he told her to go slow. "Of course. If you need to take a break just say so, alright? Oh! Here," she stopped herself before they got moving, dipping her head into her bag and pulling out a pretty sizable chunk of dried mammoth meat. Well, sizable by her standards anyway. It was probably more like a good sized snack for someone like him. "Ref meaf tho helf wif bloo loss," she mumbled around the piece of food as she went to hand it over to him, insisting that he eat it. Anything to keep him from getting woozy on the way there was worth trying.

Once he began eating she looked up at Eilwen again, saying, "Could you go on ahead to the pack and have them prepare a cot in the infirmary? Let them know we'll need some trillium, probably some yarrow if we have it, and you'll have to go up to my room to get that piece of wintergreen I have tucked away." The pale raven nodded, giving her feathers a ruffle. "Of course. I'll see you back at the castle, Gwynevere," she replied before taking off with a strong flap of white wings, taking off back toward home. She turned her attention back to the wolf that had saved her again, going to stand on his uninjured side as they started walking forward. "If you need to lean on me you can, Kan... Kea... Um..." She chuckled, a little grin on her lips. "How do you say your name again?"

Gwynevere | Eilwen