
Kindred spirits



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
05-12-2021, 06:40 PM
Tamsyn had been waiting anxiously at the border with Ulric when Eilwen came and informed them of what had happened and what needed to be prepared. She had hurried around the infirmary, guided by Gwynevere's companion, and got everything set up to treat this man that had apparently saved her daughter's life and then hurried out with Ulric to meet the pair when they arrived, watching the huge, earthen male collapse before they even made it to the castle. It had taken them all to get him into the castle and onto one of the cots, but they had managed and then she hung back, leaving the room for a while so Gwynevere could finish treating her patient, poking her head in every once in a while just to see how things were going. She could see the worry on her daughter's face for a while, but her daughter always looked worried. There were few times she didn't these days.

It had already been pretty late when they got back to the castle and by the time Gwynevere was satisfied it was the dead of night. Tamsyn sent her to her room to get some much needed rest and then made her way down to the infirmary herself, wanting to check on their guest and personally thank him for helping Gwyn. The castle was extremely quiet, just the occasional crackling of a fire burning as she passed the occasional fire place and the sound of her claws clicking on stone breaking the silence. She slipped into the room quietly, peering across the beds at the singular form that occupied it. She didn't want to keep him from his rest, but she saw him shift and thought he might still be awake so she proceeded forward, stopping once she was in his light of sight, leaving a bit of comfortable space between them.

"Hello," she said quietly, giving him a gentle smile. "It's... Kane, right? I'm Tamsyn. I just wanted to thank you for helping my daughter." As she spoke she took in his appearance, really seeing him for the first time now that she wasn't in a frantic rush to get him treated. If she could have pictured someone perfectly built to camouflage themselves among a forest he would certainly come close to that. The scars that littered his face, chest, and limbs drew her curiosity, as did the feathers that seemed to be tied into the fur at the top of his scruff. Perhaps what caught her off guard most though was the fact that his size, stature, and the saber fangs he bore were so eerily similar to Sirius. It felt like just yesterday that she had been here with her friend, tending to him while he recovered from the fight with Artorias, when really it had been weeks since that day. She pushed that thought away though, instead focusing on this stranger and his interesting hazel eyes.

Tamsyn Carpathius