
Kindred spirits




Advanced Hunter (75)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years
Dire wolf

05-12-2021, 09:30 PM

That motherly pride shone through her grinning expression when he praised Gwynevere's talents as a healer. He truly was impressed by her ingenuity when she cobbled together an effective medical treatment for him despite the lack of useful supplies in the forest. As a healer himself, he could tell the young girl was going to be an impressive doctor one day soon enough. Tamsyn sat where she stood, both wolves still watching the other closely, and it was clear that this was not going to be a quick social call. Not that he minded, of course. He had been on his own for some time, and after having slept most of the day away it seemed, he wasn't exactly chomping at the bit to go back to sleep just yet. But Tamsyn surely had to need her beauty rest though, right? So what was the jet black fae doing roaming the castle halls at gods know what hour? Surely she couldn't still be up to check up on him. He was touched, but even Kane knew he wasn't that special to deserve that sort of attention.

Tamsyn explained that the role of the Hallows—the pack's name, he recalled—was to provide shelter and aid to those in need. He pouted a lip thoughtfully and nodded his head slowly. It was an admirable cause he had to admit, selfless and self-sacrificing by its very nature. They would reap great karma here, and if they stuck true to their mission statement, would be well renowned by the other wolves of Boreas and Auster. "That's quite an altruistic goal, Tamsyn," he noted. "I didn't do anything special for Gwynevere though. I would have done the same for any child." And he would have. No wolf deserved to die that young, right at the start of their lives. Gwyn had so much to look forward to, and he refused to let an irritable overgrown feline steal that away from her. Tamsyn questioned him about himself, where he was from, what his story was. Kane cocked a crooked grin and chuckled under this breath, a soft rasping of amused exhales while he reclined back into the bed some. This was indeed not going to be a quick visit, it seemed.

Kane let out a soft whistle and said, "That is quite a question, Tamsyn. I'm afraid I might keep you up all night with that tale." He shot her a lighthearted smirk. "I'm a hunter. That's the simplest way to put it, I suppose. And no, I'm not from around here. I don't exactly hail from anywhere in particular." He shifted his weight on the bed, groaning a little as his shoulder pulled a little more than he liked. "Damn, that's gonna leave a good one!" He smiled like an eager puppy getting a new toy. He was so excited to get a killer new scar to remind him of the fight with the tiger that had almost killed him. "My family—my birth pack—we were nomadic. Didn't take any lands, didn't stay anywhere long-term. So I'm from a little bit of everywhere." Deciding to turn this into a game of twenty questions, he turned the question back on her. "And yourself? Are you a Boreas native? Auster born?"


As his mate, Tamsyn may enter his threads not marked as Private.