
Kindred spirits



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
05-12-2021, 09:53 PM (This post was last modified: 05-12-2021, 10:55 PM by Tamsyn. Edited 1 time in total.)
Tamsyn nodded in appreciation when he mentioned that he would have done the same for any child - something she could readily agree to. Being a mother had been a shock and a surprise to put it nicely, but she had taken to it almost immediately. Even before that though, her own experience as a child made her only want better and joy for any pups she happened across. She lifted a curious brow above her left eye - her right eye wasn't nearly as mobile or expressive as it had once been - at the grin and chuckles that he gave in response to her questions, wondering what about his life story made him laugh so.

She got her answer when he explained that he'd keep her up all night with the tale of his life and she returned that smirk with a knowing one of her own. She knew that feeling. Sometimes she felt like she had lived three lifetimes in the span of one and she didn't suppose she was going to be done any time soon. A hunter, he described himself as, and just from looking at him she could believe that. He looked like he was made for taking down larger game. She also wasn't surprised when he said he wasn't from around here. It was strange and she couldn't explain why, but it was usually pretty easy to pick out the immigrants from the ones that were born here like her children. Maybe it was mostly because she herself was not from these lands so it was easy to pick out who had similar paths in life as she did.

Her ears twitched with concern when he groaned as he shifted, one of his wounds clearly hurting him, but her concern was swept away by the huge, puppy like grin he gave in response, mentioning how that was going to "leave a good one". Her curiosity for this dire male only continued to grow the longer she sat here. A good what? A scar? He was excited about a scar? She tucked away her questions as he continued on, explaining the nomadic nature of his birth pack, causing him to be from a bit of everywhere in the end. As expected, the same question was returned to her and she chuckled as she got up, turning to hop onto the cot that sat just behind her.

"I might be keeping you up all night at this rate," she joked as she settled onto her side, stretching out comfortably across from him, just the aisle between the beds separating them. "No, I'm not from Boreas or Auster. I grew up in a mountain valley pretty far from here, in a pine forest. The pack I grew up in was not nearly as... enjoyable as it seems like yours was. Especially as a female." The joy in her smile faded a bit, but it still remained on her lips all the same. "I'm... a fighter, I guess? Mostly by trade. When I landed in Boreas I was taken in by a different pack - the Armada - and their leader taught me to fight and that's what I've done since then. Well, until I became a mother, at least. That softened me up quite a bit." She chuckled, smiling a bit more as she thought about the unexpected turn her life took.

She cast another curious glance his way as she mentioned, "You seemed awfully excited to have that wound," with a nod toward his shoulder. "I don't think I've ever seen anyone that excited to get a scar." She had more than a few of her own and she couldn't say she had ever been pleased to receive any of them.

Tamsyn Carpathius