
Kindred spirits



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
05-13-2021, 12:01 PM
A faint smile pulled at her lips when Kane looked back up at her and told her that Resin was sure to have been appreciative of letting her go free to die in glory if she had been anything like the warriors he had known, giving him a nod of agreement. It was one of the few comforts she had in all of this - knowing that Resin went out fighting instead of dying to the illness that had pulled her away from them. It was like having a moment of control when everything else felt like it was so beyond their reach and out of their paws. The frown returned to her expression when he went on to answer the question of who he had lost even though she could see the reluctance in him to answer. She almost stopped him and told him that he didn't have to tell her if he didn't feel comfortable, but he spoke anyway, telling her about Tiva of the Meadows.

She was quiet and attentive as he told her about the traditions of his tribe and how the couples needed to complete a challenge to be allowed to marry, listening to him weave the story of the bull moose that they had tracked and killed for their celebration feast. The hatred in those hazel eyes was obvious as he talked about the albino dire wolf that would ultimately lead to the death of his fiancée. Her ears flicked nervously when he mentioned how Tiva wouldn't back down, bringing both of them into a fight as she tried to chase off this giant wolf, sympathy and anger mixing together in her expression. Even though it wasn't her fight, she still felt his pain with him wanted revenge on this dire wolf as well just for hurting this kind man the way he had. Dread filled her when he began to describe how he had found Tiva when he woke up, a mental image coming to her mind of how Osmond had looked when Resin had finished with him. Just a pile of meat and blood with scraps of fur and bones intermingled. She didn't know if Tiva had also ended up in that bad of a state, but either way, she understood the gore he was speaking of. Seeing Osmond in that state hadn't hurt her since that was in a way her revenge, but to know that he had seen the one he loved splayed open and ripped apart...

She struggled to pull on a faint smile to match his when he came to the end of his story - finding himself in Auster and preparing to face his greatest enemy when he got derailed and injured saving Gwynevere. She felt a little guilt that he was detoured away from his hunt for them, but in a way she was kind of glad. At least now they could help him accomplish his goal - or at least she could. But for now she tired to put that to the side. What had meant to be a simple visit had turned into a long sharing of hurts and traumas, both of them raw with their emotions. She didn't really know how to process that. Resin and Sirius had always been so hard to read when it came to emotions and for once it felt as if she knew exactly what he was feeling and exactly what had caused them. It was refreshing in some ways and overwhelming in others.

Seeing the pain in his expression, hearing the hurt in his voice, it only made her want to comfort him, but she didn't know how. "I'm so sorry," she told him quietly just as he had at the news that she had given of her mate's passing. That didn't really felt like it scratched the surface of how she felt for him, but it was a start. She had always believed that actions spoke louder than words so after a long moment of hesitation she rolled to her paws and stood, hopping down from the cot and crossing the small space between them. Her ears flicked uncertainly, but she thought about how gentle and lovely he had been when he was examining the scars that criss crossed around her leg and that pulled her in more. Standing next to his cot, she lifted a paw to his cheek, ever so lightly and gently tracing the scar that marred it. Beautiful and unique, to be celebrated and respected. That's what scars were to him and she wanted to believe that to be true.

"It's... lonely, losing the one you love," she mentioned softly as her paw shifted away from his face, her mint eyes finding his hazel ones again, searching them as she tried to determine if he felt the same pull that she did or if her heart crushing loneliness was getting the best of her again. She desperately didn't want to make the same mistake that she had with Sirius and, not only that, he was still a stranger. They had only just met. But was he really a stranger at this point if he knew all of her darkest moments? She had opened herself up to him without much of a thought, allowing this hunter to see every scar and hear their twisted stories. She rested a paw on the edge of his bed, her gaze questioning and hesitant. "May I?" she asked just as softly. She wanted to be closer to him, to feel for once like she wasn't alone.

Tamsyn Carpathius