
Kindred spirits




Advanced Hunter (75)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years
Dire wolf

05-13-2021, 05:47 PM

Kane smiled a little more genuinely when Tamsyn offered her sympathies to him once his story came to a close, but there was still the obvious pain masked behind it. He had plenty of time to come to terms with the fact that Tiva was gone, claimed by Death, but he knew the hurt would never stop until he had his revenge. Fortunately, that reality seemed to close at hand now. "Thank you," he spoke plainly, though the sentiment was appreciated. "It was a long time ago. The hurt won't fade until I've completed my hunt, but it's gotten to where I can go about my days without feeling it." The sound of creaking wood made Kane look up from his paws to see Tamsyn getting up off of the cot and climbing down to the floor. He frowned a little; was she getting ready to call it a night? He couldn't blame her, it was very late, after all. He just hoped she didn't feel like she had to leave because of their somber stories. No stories were bad, and he would never expect someone to feel guilty for asking to hear one.

As it turned out, his concerns were unfounded, as Tamsyn didn't head for the door, but instead came over to stand beside his cot. The look of uncertainty in her eyes was unmistakable, along with the sudden anxious tension in her posture and in the way her ears flicked. He tilted his head to the side, trying to piece together what was going on in her mind, when she lifted a gentle paw to touch gingerly over his cheek. The touch had been unexpected, but was not unwelcome, evidenced by the surprised look that crossed Kane's face and immediately dissolved into a relaxed smile while soft paw pads traced the rough edges of the scar that marked his cheek. He could see the thoughts buzzing around in her head behind her eyes, clearly working through some thoughts of her own while she touched his face. He didn't say a word, simply letting her work things out herself while leaning his cheek into her paw. It was such a light touch, like that of a mother, or of a lover. It was soothing and comforted his tormented heart back into peace. If Tamsyn wasn't a healer of the body, she was definitely skilled in healing the heart and soul.

Kane's ears flicked up to catch Tamsyn's honest words, the sincere confession of her loneliness of having to lose the one you love hitting close to home for the nomadic dire wolf. He gave a short, gruff hum of agreement, biting his tongue to not whine quietly when her paw slipped away from his cheek. It was already a feeling he was missing. He had spent a long time on his own, and although he had come to terms with Tiva's death, nothing had prepared him for nor eased the loneliness that came with her passing. His hunt had been solo, solitary and alone. At times, he could easily ignore that there was no one beside him to talk to, to guide him, to make him laugh and share a tear when things hurt. Other times he was acutely and painfully aware of just how alone he really was. It seemed that Tamsyn was going through the same gamut of emotions and realizations that he had when he'd first lost Tiva and his pack. There was a shared experience between them, the two kindred spirits finding solace in the familiarity and comfort of one another. For the first time in over a year, Kane didn't feel alone, though the loneliness had rooted itself deep in his soul.

There was something lingering in Tamsyn's mint eyes when he met her gaze again, though Kane couldn't quite place the emotions. It looked like longing, but with reluctance, hesitation... He didn't know what it was she was holding herself back from, but he just hoped it wouldn't result in her leaving just yet. He didn't want to go back to being alone. That pleading must have been evident in his hazel irises, because the next thing he knew, the caring mother rested a paw on the edge of his cot and asked if she could join him. Kane looked from her paw back to Tamsyn's face, and without any hesitation nodded and said, "I'd like that." He shifted and sidled his body over enough to allow Tamsyn space to climb up and join him on the small cot. There wouldn't be much room that didn't allow all of them to press against one another, but Kane didn't mind if she didn't. His tribe had been physically affectionate wolves, and he hadn't experienced that in what felt like an age. It was a sensation he was longing to feel again, and if Tamsyn would humor him, he would gladly accept. Besides, it seemed like she didn't need to be alone right now either, and he was happy to be her company for the evening.

Once Tamsyn had climbed up to join him, Kane kept himself pressed to the edge to allow her to move and situate to get herself comfortable, then wiggled and settled himself in beside her. As he thought, the cot kept the two wolves pressed snugly together, but fortunately not enough where he was afraid he'd crush her or push her off accidentally. "Just watch my shoulder," he spoke in that low, growl-like whisper, a flash of teeth in a grin and a quiet chuckle punctuating his comment while he settled in where his wounded shoulder wouldn't be pulled or hit. He knew she would be careful with him anyway. "Feel better?" he asked once they both had a moment to enjoy the comfort of one another's presence. He smiled warmly, hoping to chase some of that loneliness away from the beautiful midnight fae, knowing all too well the emotions she would feel every night she slept alone. Even if only for tonight, he could repay her kindness and their emotional catharses with companionship.


As his mate, Tamsyn may enter his threads not marked as Private.