
Kindred spirits




Advanced Hunter (75)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years
Dire wolf

05-13-2021, 10:03 PM

Kane couldn't stop the contented smile from creeping across his muzzle while Tamsyn settled in against him and admitted that she felt better than she had in a long time, that same satisfied happiness in his eyes while she gazed up into them. He had thought she was a good looking wolf before, when there was still space between them, but up close like this he could see that Tamsyn was outright gorgeous, beautiful in a traditional sense, in a spiritual way, and with her scars proudly on display. It baffled him to think a wolf as beautiful as her both inside and out could ever be lonely. Surely she could have had any number of brutes storming the castle gates to win her affections. Ah, but that wasn't Tamsyn, was it? No, Tamsyn was demure and introverted, so kind and loving yet keeping to herself. At least that was what he had gathered from their conversation tonight. Tamsyn had been hurt in the past by her heart, and so she kept herself guarded. Who could blame her? The world was a cruel place sometimes, and it would be enough to make any wolf gun-shy.

Not Kane though. Kane refused to let his heartache and loss define who he would be. For tonight, he would relish the moments he spent in the company of his gracious host. The last time he had laid with anyone even remotely close to this was the night before Tiva was murdered. It had been far too long—for both of them, it seemed—and this was their relief from the soul-crushing loneliness that accompanied loss.They were medicine to one another tonight, and a healer by nature, he would do all he could to remedy Tamsyn's aching heart. He had been keeping his paws respectfully tucked up against him to avoid any untoward advances on the widowed fae, but once she began to carefully lean into his body and slipped beneath his foreleg, tucking her smaller body against his, Kane allowed himself to stretch his leg out and wrap around Tamsyn, settling onto his side at her urging so she could snuggle into his broad chest.

Kane's pulse sped up, feelings that had once been so familiar and foreign at the same time reared their heads. He embraced her as if he were shielding her from a storm tearing the world around them, keeping her held snug and secure, their chests and stomachs all the way down the lengths of their bodies pushed together without an inch of space separating any of them. His body gave a little involuntary twitch of surprise when he felt a gentle paw begin to follow the paths of his scars across his chest, her touch electrifying and soothing all at once. He relaxed again, releasing a heavy, soul-weary sigh while her soft pads followed the old wounds seared into his skin, hazel eyes peering down warm and sweet at her. Nobody had treated him this way in a long, long time. It was a nice reprieve from the aches and longing, the long days and longer nights with nothing but his own thoughts and emotions. He dipped his head down, just barely resting his muzzle on top of her head to completely surround her with himself, closing his eyes while he savored the sensations of her fur, her paw pads on his chest, her body next to his, her scent lingering in his nose... Tamsyn felt familiar, safe, comforting... She reminded him of everything he had wanted, needed—lost.

Tamsyn's strangled whisper from out of nowhere brought Kane back out of his stupefied state, blinking a couple of times in confusion while the black-furred fae buried her face into his chest and she began to shake with uncontrollable sobs. Her tears dampened his fur with her sorrow, and Kane's heart broke again. His expression softened, the pain in his eyes not for himself, but for her, and the large brute shifted to bring his other foreleg out and underneath her to completely embrace her, squeezing Tamsyn tightly yet carefully in his arms. He kept her pinned against his body, giving her himself as a rock to cling to while she came undone, big paws rubbing slowly up and down her back as her chest heaved with each short, gasping breath. "It's okay, Tammie, it's okay... Just let it all out..." he shushed her softly in that growl-like tone his voice took with every whisper in her ear. "You've been alone too long, little blackbird... You've held on for so long, been so strong... Let it all wash away... I've got you... You're not alone now..."

Kane knew the emotional turbulence she was going through so fresh after having lost her mate. It was the same cataclysm he had suffered through alone in the months following Tiva's death. The nights he had spent awake howling in rage and pain and sorrow, the tears he had wept and the trees he had torn up with fang and claw just for some sort of release. This was Tamsyn's release, and he would be damned if he did anything to prevent it. She needed this, just as he had, except he wouldn't let her be alone through hers. Nobody deserved to experience that pain alone.


As his mate, Tamsyn may enter his threads not marked as Private.