
Kindred spirits



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
05-13-2021, 10:34 PM
Feeling him wrap her tightly in his arms with his head tucked down over hers made her cry harder, but in a good way. A cathartic way. One cry in Kane's arms wouldn't release the years of pain, the seemingly never ending heartache, but it was a damn good start. She allowed his strong presence around her to hide her away from the world and his kind, gentle words calmed the raging emotions swallowing her whole. With him it was feeing. Any time she had broken down around anyone else during all of this there had been a guilt there, feeling as if she had failed them, that she was supposed to be so strong for them so she couldn't allow herself this release. But here, in Kane's comforting embrace, she was allowed to be weak for a moment and just let out all of the pain and sorrow and hurt that had been lingering on the edges of mind for so long. He didn't make her feel like she had to be strong, but still commended her for it when she could. It was a good feeling, a welcoming feeling. Even though her tears, a little smile pulled at her lips when he referred to her as a little blackbird, the nickname warming her heart. She didn't know where this mountain of a warm, caring man came from, but she was so grateful for him in this moment. She often thought that certain wolves were placed in her life had just the right times and now Kane was here to prove that statement true yet again.

After awhile, after she was able to calm herself and take a few steadying breaths, she blinked her eyes open, lifting them to look up at his stunning gaze again. Tamsyn gave him a thankful smile, her paw lifting to his scarred cheek again to gently, tenderly brush over soft fur and raised skin. He was incredibly handsome with what was possibly the kindest heart she had ever come across. A tangle of conflicting emotions settled in her gut as her eyes lingered on his, her paw resting on his cheek as she silently fought with herself, the feeling of his body pressed to hers coming more and more to the forefront of her mind. It was crazy to even think of these things with someone she just met, but it was also crazy to bear her heart to him and cry into his chest as well. It didn't seem to matter with Kane. She didn't understand it and at this point she didn't want to. She only wanted relief and to feel something other than loneliness and pain and Kane had allowed her to do that for the first time in what felt like ages.

Her gaze searched his, claws gently ranking through fur along his cheek and neck in gentle movements, her heart skipping and beating harder in her chest. They were completely alone in this little world they had created in the dead of night and the feeling of his fur mingling with hers was intoxicating. Her paws came to rest on his chest as she looked up at him for a moment longer, giving him a silent plea, a longing desire, before she hesitantly brought her muzzle to his, gently brushing their lips together in the faintest kiss, just to test the waters, just to see if perhaps he might feel the same sparks across his skin that she did. She braced herself for his rejection that was sure to be as sweet and understanding as he had been for the duration of their time together, but her desperate heart demanded that she at least try.

Tamsyn Carpathius