
Kindred spirits




Advanced Hunter (75)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years
Dire wolf

05-14-2021, 12:34 AM (This post was last modified: 05-14-2021, 03:48 AM by Kaneonuskatew. Edited 1 time in total.)

There could be no doubt that they both wanted, needed, craved this from one another. Two souls lost in the misery of loneliness, one fresh to the pain and one so numb to it he had forgotten the ache. She had reminded him, brought back old urges and emotions he had killed and buried. She had started the fire that was threatening to immolate him from within. She had brought him back to life. He felt her paws wind their way up around his neck, gripping tight to his scruff and his shoulders as if she couldn't pull herself tight enough against him. Big paws traced her shoulders, then followed the curves of her body down along her sides, claws running through raven-black fur as luxurious as fine silk, following every natural dip and bend in her body until they settled on her hips, paw pads flexing and gripping at her. He wanted her as badly as she was showing she wanted him. He wanted to sear the sorrow and pain away from her with the inferno she'd ignited in his core.

Tamsyn whispered his name in reply, and shivers ran down the brute's spine in response. He responded to her heated kiss with firm lips and gentle fangs, moving to the same slow, gradual rhythm she did. He released a low growl of desire under his breath, tasting her on his tongue through their deepening kiss as she pressed for more and more, and he gave eagerly. His paws pulled her hips tighter to his, winding one foreleg around her lower back to hold her snug to him in the cot and to support her against his larger frame. She felt so small and feminine next to his bigger, distinctly masculine body. She responded with ever more desperate and insistent kisses, and he greeted each with his growing fire, matching her passion for passion. He needed this. She needed this. They needed each other. Even if it was just for tonight, Kane would burn away the pain in his soul and wash away the sorrow from Tamsyn's.

Shifting himself to situate himself more comfortably with her, Kane pressed himself to Tamsyn's hips, following primal instinct as he awoke actions and skills he hadn't used in far too long. He didn't care how out of practice he might be, everything with Tamsyn was coming naturally, and he had no doubt that they would find their rhythm together. Another deep growl of passion came from the hunter as he melded with her, a sharp inhale as the pleasure hit him all at once, and then he lost himself in Tamsyn. Nothing in the world existed outside this room, outside of her, and as they began to find relief in one another, Kane let the fire consume him whole.

— FADE —


As his mate, Tamsyn may enter his threads not marked as Private.