
take your dad to work day



5 Years

Pride - BisexualBeevent
05-14-2021, 05:35 PM

When the cold weather finally began to loosen its grip Elise immediately started chomping at the bit to get going and get away from their home for a little bit. She started wandering past the borders more and more, eager to get distance under her paws again and enjoy not having to trudge though the snow each and every time she left the den. Of course now she had to deal with the soggy ground and muddy terrain, but that was far less irritating than the snow and ice that froze her paws whenever she wanted to go anywhere. It would also make for some much more pleasant conditions for them to patrol and train in as she slowly got herself used to the regiment that Iroh had laid out for her. She still wasn't entirely sure if fighting was the exact remedy she had been looking for, but she was throughly enjoying having an excuse to spend more time with her mate.

That was also one of the reasons that she jumped at the chance to go on a little excursion with Iroh when he presented the idea. She was kind of to the point that even if she hadn't been invited, she might have invited herself just so she could go do some exploring after almost two whole seasons of not being able to. She walked closely to Iroh's side, her sapphire gaze drifting around the dense trees of the forest they were passing through. Occasionally she'd let herself sneak him little affections like brushing her side against his or reaching up to give his cheek or jaw a kiss, stealing loving glances with sly grins. She was always in the best mood whenever she was on trips with him and this was no exception - even if her pale paws were getting soggier by the moment.

Elise Adravendi