
take your dad to work day



4 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
05-14-2021, 06:16 PM
He never wanted to hinder the adventurous spirit Elise possessed. While he didn’t intentionally, the long winter surely did. Neither of them really desired to go very far from their cozy den, but now that it felt like they were finally getting spring both wolves were ready to get out. Iroh readied supplies and carried a pack, furs, dried meat, his tea set and herbs. It wasn’t so warm yet that they wouldn’t want to snuggle up to a fire and tea. Of course he had every intention of keeping up with their training while they were out too. By the time they returned to Aerie Elise was going to be an old pro. Just being on the road would help work off the extra baggage Iroh had been putting on over the winter. He’d always been built heavy but there was no lack of insulation on the massive man.

They walked side by side, Iroh smiled every time Elise bumped his shoulder lightly. Having this time with her always seemed special, even if they spent the next ten years together he’d never tire of walks side by side like this. Iroh didn’t miss her suggestive smiles and inviting grins. They had no real destination, so now was as good a place to set up a camp…

”I think its about time for tea.” He suggested as he slowed in a small clearing. Stealing a kiss before he unpacked and started working on a fire and heating the water he’d kept in the pot for just this moment. He gathered up a couple older branches to help build his fire. While the water warmed he threw out a thick fur over the driest ground he could find and gestured for his beloved to make herself comfortable while he began to steep the tea leaves. Of course he was stealing kisses throughout the process.
Where My Demons Hide