
I’ve Learned To Lose You




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
05-14-2021, 08:53 PM (This post was last modified: 05-14-2021, 08:53 PM by Ulric. Edited 1 time in total.)
He watched her for any signs that she was still with him, just seeing the shallow rise and fall of her chest and hearing the small grunts and moans she made occasionally letting him know she was alive. As he shook her she seemed to come to at least slightly, enough for her to barely lift her head, her eyes seemingly unable to focus as she gave him a slight smile and mumbled out what he assumed was supposed to be his name before her eyes rolled back again. "Gods..." he muttered to himself, eyeing the bowl laying near her. What had she eaten? Was she dying? Did he try to take her back to The Hallows? Was there anyone there that could help her? Were the children gone at this point? Were these his children?

He didn't know how to carry her back to The Hallows without risking hurting the unborn pups more than they already were, but at this point he had to make his peace with the fact that he was probably too late to save them. His or not, it made him sick to his stomach and for a brief moment he actually considered leaving her here. It was pretty obvious that whatever had done this to her she had done on purpose and a low, creeping hatred toward her itched at the back of his mind. He grit his teeth as he mentally warred with himself for a moment that was probably too long for the urgency of this moment. There was little that topped how much he loved his children and pups in general and the fact that she would do this refused to sit well with him, no matter what her reasoning might have been.

But he was also too soft, too kind hearted to just leave her here suffering. "Damn it," he cursed under his breath before he finally laid down beside her, grabbing her forelegs gently between his teeth and pulling her across his back, draping her over him and immediately taking off back toward The Hallows, going as fast as he could manage without her slipping off. He had to try and get her back. He'd never forgive himself if there was something he could have done and he didn't do it. He had more regrets than he cared to live with as it was, he wouldn't let this one linger on his soul as well.

Ulric Adravendi