
She’s a Fox



The Hallows
Expert Physician

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An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KPride - Bisexual
05-14-2021, 09:25 PM

Absolutely nothing fazed this boy, it seemed. He didn't even react in the slightest when she's insinuated that he'd suffered some form of brain damage! What was a girl whose best method of keeping others at bay was sarcasm to do when no matter what she hurled at him he just brushed off? His resilience was pretty shocking, actually, and Syanna briefly wondered if he actually understood what she was saying to him when she was trying to get him to leave her alone. Would it have been better to talk to him like a puppy? Would he understand her then? He answered her questions as normally as if she'd asked him what his favorite color was or if he had any plans for the day. So he was just interested in her, that's why he was being such a pest? He clearly didn't get out of his pack much then, the poor sap.

While he began to explain how his teeth were just something that happened when he grew them in, Syanna couldn't help but study his serrated teeth more closely. She leaned up and closer to his maw, giving a soft "huh" as she inspected them. She had never met another wolf with teeth like this, and it made her genuinely curious how something like that even happened to a wolf. An airy chuckle left her when he mentioned how useful they were in fights and hunts, replying with, "Yeah, I bet. They look wicked. Here, lemme just..." Without asking for permission, Syanna shuffled closer and reached up to grab his muzzle with both paws, angling his face down to get a better look at the tiny barbs and serrations on his fangs. She coaxed his head to turn this way, then that as she looked over his teeth. She cringed a little while she tried to not picture what those things could do to another wolf, and made a silent vow to stop trying to piss him off now, lest she get bitten. He didn't seem like the type to do that, but why roll the dice on that when a loss would mean ending up on the business end of those.

"Okay, Speckles, I started this game. You didn't ask me anything back, so I'm guessing that's a forfeit for you on this round," Syanna stated, smirking as she turned this into a game she could win. Maybe she could dig up more information about him than he could get from her, and if something useful to her came up, then that was just a bonus as well. "You said you're part of a pack? So why does a dopey dire wolf find himself all the wya out here on his own? Did they not give you enough jobs to keep you out of trouble?" She grinned a little more easily now, her teasing less mean-spirited and more just part of her snarky, sarcastic personality.

"Syanna Alluráin"

As her mate, Ezra may enter her threads not marked as Private.