
She’s a Fox



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
05-14-2021, 10:35 PM

Ezra blinked as she leaned closer, but kept grinning and letting her get a closer look at his teeth since she seemed so curious in them. He had never really seen them as anything super special, but she seemed fascinated and he certainly wasn't going to discourage anything that made her not run away from him. But then she muttered something about letting her do something and then her paws were on his face. Her paws were on his face. His eyes went wide with surprise as she held his muzzle and started turning him this way and that so she could examine the oddly sharp, serrated teeth that filled his mouth. He didn't mind her getting a closer look, but it caught him off guard and it put her so incredibly close to him all the sudden, blinking down at her stunning emerald eyes while her spicy, sweet scent filled his nose, making his face hot with a blush.

Then suddenly she was back to the questions he had opened the floor for her to ask, completely throwing him for a loop. His brain felt completely scrambled and all he could manage to do for a moment was just give her a goofy grin. It didn't quite register that she had actually asked him something along with pointing out how he hadn't asked her anything in return, but he blinked and realized that she was expecting an answer so he cleared his throat a bit and chuckled before he finally said, "Oh, um... Well, I mean, there was stuff I could be doing I guess... But guarding alpacas isn't exactly my idea of a fun time."

Still struggling a little bit to get his brain together after she short circuited him, Ezra scrambled to think of a question for her, until he suddenly realized that he hadn't even asked her for her name. Yes, that was a good start. Surely that was a safe enough question to keep her from getting mad at him again. "So... What's your name?"

Ezra Adravendi