
It's all for you, everything I do




8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
05-15-2021, 10:33 AM

The kiss that they shared was the last that they would ever have. Resin broke it and placed her forehead against Tamsyn's, her golden eye closing as she savored the moment. Already her mind was beginning to tingle and cloud over. There wasn't much time for them. There wasn't much time for her.

Pulling back, Resin gently cupped her lover's cheek, making their gazes meet. The deep mint of her eyes was still as lovely and mesmerizing as the first moment that they'd met. She had been enamored with the dark woman from that evening in the hollow tree. She was still in love with her now. Resin regretted having put Tamsyn behind her duties as a leader. She didn't deserve that. When Resin died and Tam was able to move on, she hoped that whoever took her place would be someone that would treasure her as she was meant to be treasured.

"Tamsyn, I need you to go." She whispered softly, placing her forehead against her lover's once more. "My hold is slipping." Her gaze was starting to glaze over and it was difficult to focus. She needed to get back in the cell just in case her confusion turned to anger. It was almost humorous. She'd spent so much of her life stifling and controlling her emotions. Now, in the end, she had no control at all.

Resin kissed Tamsyn's forehead and gave her a gentle nudge towards the stairs before rising from the pile of furs and moving back into the cell. She pulled the heavy steel door shut behind her and moved to the corner to lay upon the fur pallet. It would be up to Tam to slide the bar through the door once more and seal her within.


[Image: GreYdcM.gif]