
It's all for you, everything I do



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
05-15-2021, 12:22 PM
Tamsyn's eyes squeezed closed as Resin rested her forehead against hers and told her that she needed to go. Every fiber of her being was screaming no it was too fast, too soon. Her brief moment of relief and reprieve came and went in the blink of an eye and she couldn't tell if it actually helped or made everything worse. It gave her a taste of what she was losing, ripped at her heart, made her crave every single thing that she no longer had. A flame of desire scalded her and left her with a hunger that would never be met. She swallowed painfully as Resin slipped out of her grasp, watching her move back into the cell. She wanted to rush in there, stay there with her mate, let her end it if that's what it came to. But the heavy door closed with a sickening finality that made Tamsyn tremble.

She managed to get herself to her feet and walked up to the door of the cell, looking down at the bar that was laying just off to the side with a shuddering sigh. She couldn't look at Resin as she forced herself to pick it up and slip it through the handles of the cell door, tears collecting in her eyes as she locked Resin back into her cell. She lingered there for a long moment, wrestling with how wrong this felt, how painful it still was despite the time that had passed. She briefly lifted her gaze to where Resin was laying, her ears falling back against her head as she turned away and started climbing the stairs. There was nothing else she could say. It was too late. There was nothing she could do to help, not that there ever had been.

But she would be back. As she climbed the stairs back to the castle above, she made a resolution with herself. She wouldn't let Resin die alone, no matter how painful it would be. She'd be down here when the time came.

Tamsyn Carpathius