
It can happen to anyone



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
05-15-2021, 01:36 PM
He saw the flicker of something in his expression when he mentioned how he shouldn't be out on his own at night, clearly not pleased with the comment. He didn't care who it was, the statement stood for anyone. The only reason he made the exception for himself was because he knew his own skills and never went farther than a reasonable distance from the group of talented fighters that he had at his back. This wolf didn't have that excuse. In reality Ulric had no reason to be protective or concerned over a stranger who had invaded his territory, but he was a kind and gentle man, despite his size. He'd always be concerned until he was given a reason to not be.

He nodded quietly when Ciel introduced himself, still watching him questioningly while he waited for an answer for the reason why he was here in the first place. Soon enough he began to get an answer and he lifted a questioning brow when he mentioned Sirius. He didn't smell the Armada's scent on him, but perhaps he was a newer member. Though if that was the case, what would the Warlord chose this man to go out on such a task? Sirius also knew full well the attacks that they had experienced - he was certain Tamsyn told him about the first with the saber cats and he had personally been here for the dire wolves.

Either way, he continued to hear Ciel out for a bit longer, listening as he spoke about stifling the attacks, how he had hoped to speak with one of their healers, that he was an alchemist, speaking of some sort of defense. Ulric sighed softly and settled down onto his haunches, fighting off the headache that was threatening to sneak up on him. All of the mourning, sorrow, exhaustion, over working himself... It was starting to creep up on him, though he did his very best to keep any of it hidden well behind a mostly impassive expression. "Speak plainly, Ciel," he instructed him with a firm, silver glance. "It's far too late... or early at this point... to be skirting around things like this." Though it didn't really matter what time of day it was. He wouldn't be sleeping either way.

Ulric Adravendi