
Relentless Chaos




1 Year
Extra large
05-16-2021, 01:20 PM

He and Relm had been traveling farther north to where he'd left Zosime. Reuniting with Oddysia was the last thing on his mind now. After the multitude of fights he'd thrown himself in he'd started to feel more than a little cocky. Why follow another wolf when he could segregate and get his own thing going? He didn't feel as though he needed permission to prove himself. He could always pull together a little band of followers and they could raid and pillage as they pleased. He felt like he'd more than proved that he could handle himself lately. He didn't need to aging woman's permission to do as he pleased. Sure, he'd further their goals with the spartan name, but he wanted his own freedom to feel like he was in charge. He wasn't very good at taking orders. He wasn't sure if he'd be very good at giving them either, but it sounded better than traipsing all across the north in search of their once mentor. He was about sick of that shit. She could find them at this rate. He had other ideas of what he wanted to do.

He wasn't sure where Relm was at the moment but he supposed that was a good thing. He wanted to speak with Zosime alone and warm the younger girl up to the idea of them having one more wolf to add to their group. He imagined they'd bicker. Zo was like sand paper. Abrasive and not very forgiving. Relm was, well he didn't know Relm that well quite yet, but she liked a good fight and at didn't appear to back down from anything. His first thought was that they'd get along well, but that was just a pipe dream. The reality of it was he expected them to argue the same as he and Zo did. constantly. It was amusing to think about, but they needed to get along at least somewhat. He was not the type to be a mediator.

Course he had to track the little spitfire down first. He knew she'd grown tired of the cold north, but she had stilled hoped to find Odyssia as well. Rather than spend the entire day tracking the pup down he planted his ass on the ground and howled for her. He could smell her nearby, but he wasn't going to waste the time pinpointing down her location. He had plans and he was ready to get them underway.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Rhaegath is not friendly! Most (if not all) of his posts will be rated M for the ridiculously foul mouth he has. Thread with him at your own risk (cause half the time even I don't know what he's gonna do.)