
Never Take Us Alive

Summer Year 16 Seasonal Prompt - Relm



1 Year
Extra large
05-16-2021, 02:38 PM

The idea that there were more of the beasts down in Auster enticed him. It was a shame that they were exactly where he'd just come from not too long ago, but if they stayed there then he would keep an eye out. "Maybe another time. I don't feel like back tracking." He shrugged. There were always opportunities for a fight, even if it didn't happen to be against another one of the felines. He would, however, take himself a trophy from this one. He was dead set on it now.

A brow rose as she explained where she'd gotten her armor from. A weirdo in a tree. That definitely would classify as weird. He curled his lip at the thought of having to interact with anyone who chose to live in a tree. It seemed like something a lunatic would do. No, he'd prefer to get his armor elsewhere. He definitely wasn't going to track down a guy either, even if it would be as simple as trading meat for something. He'd just have to appreciate Relm's for now and see what he could scrounge up. Maybe he'd have Zosime craft him something later if time permitted. "Yeah I'm good on that." He rumbled, the distaste clear on his face and in his voice.

She mentioned moving on and he nodded absentmindedly as he moved to the edge of the falls with her. She still didn't sound completely confident that her father wouldn't find her yet. He supposed they had more traveling to do before they were far enough away to throw him off her trail. "Yeah I had an idea on what I'd like to do with it." He didn't elaborate though and instead started to carefully pick his way down the falls. It was painstakingly slow, but finally he made it to the group of rocks where it had landed in a heap. Luckily its mouth was still intact. He wasn't sure if Relm would want any of the meat, but he ignored it. He didn't feel like carrying anything around with him for an extended period of time and preferred just hunting when he was hungry. He gripped onto one of the large teeth and began to pull until a sickening pop was heard and the tooth gave way from its body. Content with his prize, he clambered off the rocks and found a bundle of large leaves. He wrapped the tooth into them and then managed to tie it against his ankle with a loose knot. He'd probably have to retighten it occasionally, but it would due until they got to where they were going. He wasn't going to carry it in his mouth the whole way home.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Rhaegath is not friendly! Most (if not all) of his posts will be rated M for the ridiculously foul mouth he has. Thread with him at your own risk (cause half the time even I don't know what he's gonna do.)