
Pretty is as Pretty Does



07-31-2013, 04:10 PM

Cut me loose
My parachute won't let me fall
Don't be afraid of a chance for a miracle

With her knapsack thumping against her fore legs, Orica trotted through the greenery. The plains here were wonderful for finding herbs! Such a diverse biome! She could've been in heaven. And it was right next door to Valhalla. Though she didn't want to bother them or tresspass or anything, it was nice to know that a pack of decent wolves was within hearing distance of a cry for help. Unfortunately, the girl had to think about these things sometimes. But not -that- often. Usually Cross did all the worrying for her.

Perhaps that was why, when he halted and hissed her name, she didn't mind it too much. She was on a mission. Could anyone guess what she had found? Milk Thistle! Oh she could jump for joy if she wanted. Not bull or sow thistle, not stinging nettle or anything else - but real Milk Thistle! Sure it just looked like an ugly, nasty weed to some, but Orica knew better. Darn if it wasn't several yards past the scent markers though. Oh well! I mean - she wasn't really doing anything wrong right? She wasn't tresspassing very deep or taking any prey or bothering anyone. And it wasn't like she could make a dent in the amount of herbage even if she wanted to. "Just a second, Cross," she called over her shoulder as she hoped the border.

She slowed to a careful walk and began to gingerly pick her trail through the patch of pricklies. Ever so tentatively she began to bite off a head here and a head there. She was as careful as possibly, but of course she still got her tongue and gums stuck. Meanwhile, she explained to her troubled cousin. "This is Milk Thistle, Cross. Sometimes called -ow!- Blessed Milk Thistle. -Eek!- It's very, very potent -ooh!- and is known for almost miracleous cures to poisonings -yow!-." Having some would be absolutely wonderful. To know that she had that kind of power in her knapsack wherever she went. Did Cross have any idea of the lives she could save? This was very important.
