
I Know You're Not A Fool

Cinder, Pyrite

Cinder I


05-16-2021, 04:34 PM

Cinder had been good at keeping to herself lately. No one, other than the little blue boy, had caught her attention. She'd already decided that the adults were quite boring so she wasn't going to go seek them out. Her lips turned up in a sneer as she remembered the one pair of parents who "sought no glory" only to protect what was their own. What was the fun in that? She wanted to make a name for herself and she didn't care what waters she stirred while doing it. She was out to be the best of the very best. She would make her father proud. Now if only the man wasn't so busy. She'd resorted to sparring on her own or seeking them out away from the pack lands with little care if she was actually allowed to go or not. In her mind it was better to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission. She'd already learned more on her own than what the adults had taught her. That had to count for something, right? It wouldn't replace a master teaching her, but she was one step closer to getting what she wanted.

Her adult teeth had finally come in and she couldn't have been prouder. Her lanky form awkward and teen looking and rather disproportionate as her body tried to fill out in width. It couldn't keep up with the height she was gaining so she appeared quite slim at the moment, but little did she know she would always be slim. She was glad to not have to deal with the cumbersome puppy teeth any longer. Losing them had been agonizingly annoying and growing the adult teeth in even more so, but she walked around with an air of pride about her. She had her adult teeth! No more puppy teeth to slow her down. Of course she was still weaker than an adult. The force of her bites wouldn't be as powerful, but she was one step closer to growing up. Fully grown she was determined to be a force to be reckoned with.

Her adventure of late was attempting to figure out how to get Ignis to notice her. To get him to recognize that he needed an heir and that it should be her. She wanted to make a name for herself and prove she was the best choice out of her siblings. She just couldn't quite figure out how to do that yet. She wanted to do something grand that would make Ignis praise her, but it was hard to think of ideas. Was it supposed to be this hard? Maybe she was just looking too hard. She wasn't entirely sure what to do about it, but it was driving her nuts.

The opportunity presented itself when she heard a struggle ahead of her. Her pace quickened, curiosity blazing, as she hurried to see what was going on. She hadn't expected to see a young saber cat fighting two of her pack mates, but she was quick to jump into the fray. Saving two of the younger pups from a beast? That would surely get her noticed. She darted in, quick as lightning, and managed to latch her teeth around the cats scruff as it was distracted trying to go for the slate colored pup. With its scruff in her teeth she came to a halt and leaned all her weight back as she tried to drag the creature off balance. She wasn't sure how much damage the other pups could do, but she was definitely distracting it for a moment. Enough to let them both get shots in if they were quick enough. It yowled as she drug it backwards scrambling to catch its footing, but she was relentless. She wasn't going to let it go unless she absolutely had to.

Word Count: 642
Total: 1529/1500

ooc: didn't mean for it to finish off the word count part lol Got like maybe 50 words away from the goal and just decided to finish it off, so we don't have to worry about word count now at least!

Walk, "Talk" Think