
Love won't let me leave

Silent I


11 Years
05-16-2021, 04:36 PM
The world she had known for years was gone; her life had ended on the plane that had given her purpose. Before the shift, she had reflected upon all the blessings within her mortal time. Adventure...true love...children...grandchildren...great-grandchildren...such memories from her previous life created warmth within her chest, where her heart would have been if she had still kept it. The spirits of her ancestors had made sure she knew what it was like to have what she wanted and needed most, as well as humbling her when they were taken from her paws. By the time she had been taken to the world beyond, Silent had accepted her life as one filled with numerous paths that had led her to her final days with Bronze.

Years had passed since her death, of which had happened at the same time of her late husband. She remembered the transition as if it were yesterday (she always did): The day had been calm, their son had gone off to play. Her beloved and she were wrapped in each others' embrace, peaceful and content with just their simple breaths. In time, the day grew on, followed by their respirations coming to shallow intakes of air. Eyes had closed, their hearts slowed, and their last breaths left at the same time. They had passed together, their souls remaining connected as they moved on.

Silent looked back on that day fondly, though her desire to step back into the memory would not be present. Instead, she lightly pushed it away with a gentle paw, ebony against the light shining through the dreamy setting. She was on a hill, whose top had been cut and curved downward, cradling a small meadow of flowers of various colors and smells. Her senses were not as important to her now, but she still enjoyed the simple douse of lavender that graced her nostrils every now and again. When she felt a shift in the softly lit ambiance of her solitude, she only had to look up and see him approaching from a far off distance. Rising up and down the nearby hills, she smiled softly to herself and rose to greet him as his small frame appeared at the edge of the meadow.

"My boy," she softly greeted, tones warm and light as they left her ebony frame. Emerald green eyes lit up in recognition as she drank him in, his scent reaching her nose and explaining his current age and state of mind. "Oh, my son..." she said, black tail moving behind her in slow motion. "You have no idea how much your presence means to me..." She knew he would not recognize her, not at first. So, the ancestor patiently waited, ears perked forward and body remaining open for any physical contact.