
Stages of grief




5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-16-2021, 06:58 PM


With each drink, the pair of wolves became more and more relaxed. Eska was at risk of being quite drunk if she continued, so after one more sip, she gave her head a shake and pushed the remainder of the bottle back towards Ulric. She didn't want to get sloppy, but she was thoroughly relaxed. If she stood, she doubted that she'd make it far without stumbling. Her mind was fluffy and the bite of grief had lessened to a mere nibble. His words regarding the length of her search was met with a mere noise of agreement and nothing more.

Ulric seemed to be relaxing just as she was. Every shift that he made to make himself comfortable brought him closer and closer to her. She noticed this and said nothing against it. In fact, she found herself doing the same. Soon the pair were touching, just their forelegs, then their shoulders. It wasn't unwelcome at all. Very much the opposite, actually. Resting against him, Eska placed her muzzle upon her bent foreleg, sulfur orbs watching the last bits of russet and plum fade from the sky. Night took hold and darkness came. A sort of darkness at least. There didn't seem to be much more than a sliver of moon, but the stars were vibrant and glittering. To Eska, the lighting was just right.

When asked about her future plans, Eska arched a silvered brow and gave a noncommittal shrug. "I have no plans." Her words felt a little thick in her mouth. A bit too much to drink, she was certain. "I was going to leave in the morning. Get out of your fur so you... the pack," she corrected herself, "Can get on with sorting things out." That wasn't the most eloquent way of putting it, but words were difficult at the moment.

Thinking about leaving in the morning didn't sit well with the drunken woman. It saddened her to think that she might never see the kind brute beside her again. But... they had just met. She didn't even know anything about him and he knew just as much about her. Ah, but it saddened her anyway. With a soft sigh, Eska shifted her head, placing it upon Ulrics foreleg instead of her own. Perhaps he would offer her just a bit more comfort before they decided to call it a night.