
Thought I Found A Way



05-16-2021, 07:03 PM

Do You Want To Feel How It Feels?


She chuckled when he felt and showed that instant sign of regret, but she didn't hold a grudge toward him. She was understanding to those that didn't know her situation, which was pretty much everybody. "It's quite alright." She assured him, hoping he would turn around and not feel so bad. "I doubt there's anyone like... me." She didn't sound dishearten, only honest. But she still looked toward him with that gentle grin, showing that any offense she could have felt was quickly washed away by knowing the issues were unavoidable.

He asked what had happened to her to forget her memory, but she didn't remember that either. "I washed up on the shores here and Sirius found me. I don't remember anything before that." She confessed, not proud of it but at terms with it. Sitting and thinking too long was exhausting and harmful. She had finally just let it flow behind her so she could move forward. Of course, if she could just settle on a name than everyone wouldn't be asking her about it. She was shamed by not remembering though, not necessarily telling people that. She didn't know if she had done anything wicked in her past life. Her worse fear was that she was in some type of battle that left her unconscious. But it didn't feel right in her to be evil. "Have you been in the pack long yourself?" generally curious, but she also wanted to move the conversation away from this part of herself.

Walk "Talk"


Do You Want To Know That It Doesn't Hurt Me?