
purple diamond in the rough



3 Years
Extra small
05-16-2021, 07:17 PM
Milky eyes widened slightly at the sound of crashing brush. Gypsy tucked herself into as tight of a ball as she could manage and pressed herself back against the tree that she was tied to. What was coming? It sounded gigantic! Hunkering down, the minuscule lady tucked her muzzle beneath one paw. Maybe whatever was coming wouldn’t see her. Though she was resigned to her lot in life, that didn’t mean that she was ready to die just yet. Not today, at least. There had been many times during her two years of life that she’d wished for death, but today wasn’t one of them.

The commotion stopped right in front of her and the pallid fae clenched her eyes tight for all of the good that did her. She waited to feel the sting of teeth or claws, but it never came. There was some motion that jerked her around a bit and she imagined that someone was tugging on the tether that joined her to the tree. Still terrified, she scented the beast beside her. Wolf. Male. She didn’t know him. Gypsy could only imagine what he wanted from her. Probably what every other male had ever wanted from her. She was surprised though when the tether dropped beside her. What was happening?

A deep voice sounded and she could tell that it was tinged with anger. The words it spoke though were words of freedom. He’d untied her. The next biting words questioned the perpetrator of her current situation. Gypsy looked more child than woman and imagined that he may have thought of her as one. It took a moment for her to find her voice, but she eventually spoke. The mottled fae’s voice was naturally soft and she released it in a hushed whisper. “My father left me here and hasn’t returned.”

Within her chest, the poor lady’s heart hammered. She still didn’t know what plans this brute had for her. She was small, weak, possessed no skills to care for herself. Gypsy was at his mercy. That was her place in life: at the mercy of other beings. She swallowed her fear and sat up, staring straight ahead with sightless eyes that also seemed rather lifeless somehow.
**Gypsy's past is full of some extreme abuse. Be warned.**

Indigo may enter any of Gypsy's threads as he sees fit.