
purple diamond in the rough



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-16-2021, 07:21 PM
The young man wore a smile when he felt her finally relax into the thick fur at the back of his neck. She sprawled herself over his shoulders and snuggled into the thick warm fur. Indigo didn’t have to guess that she had drifted into an uneasy sleep. He walked carefully, but there was little chance of her falling with her limbs on either side of him. While he walked quietly his mind was anything but silent. He was forced to relive the moment he found her over and over. With each step he would expect to find the father of the sweet woman on his back, but they were alone as he made his return to the castle.

The only warning he got was the terrified cry from his back before Gypsy tumbled from his side. He tried to kneel down so the fall wasn’t quite so high but she still landed hard against the packed earth. Indigo stopped immediately, along with his heart as he rounded and blue eyes fell on her crumpled frame. He had to soothe her before he could make another attempt at rescue, he could see the massive thorns tearing into her flesh, see the tears that raced down her cheeks, and he could feel the terror that washed over her like waves.

Indigo again lowered his massive body to the ground and his deep voice was in the air. Another soft ”Shhh,” as he tried to chase away the dreams that haunted her. Indigo knew in that moment that rescue was not just a one time event. She would take a long time to shake off the ingrained behaviors. He wondered if she would ever accept that she was safe now. ”Gypsy,” Indigo called out to her softly, careful not to overly disturb her. He wanted nothing else than to take the torturous thoughts from her, but there was something inside telling him that he needed to see if she would come to him. If she could see that he wanted to offer her hope, peace, and perhaps one day she would experience joy. ”Come back to me.” He begged quietly, there was no order or command in his voice. He wanted to see if she would make a choice. He could always pick her up again if he had to.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.