
purple diamond in the rough



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-16-2021, 07:23 PM
Her movements were slow but they were also steady, one pale paw in front of the other. Indigo breathed in and out as he steadied himself. He would need to be stable and keep total control of his emotions if he was going to truly see out his oath to help her. She never deserved to live like this, as a piece of property. Never knowing the freedom to choose her own destiny. Indigo hoped he could change the course of her life for the better. Gypsy was helpless and alone, he wanted to see the beautiful girl empowered and cared for the rest of her days.

Indy thought for a second that she was going to return to his grasp, but she was far from trusting him yet, The girl lowered herself to the ground again, curled herself into a ball as she cried softly to herself. Indigo sighed softly, but offered no words of reprimand as he carefully inched closer and wrapped his head around her back and he silently held her as she cried. He gently pet the soft fur of her belly with massive toes as he tried desperately to show her a better existence.

”I’m not going to hurt you,” he promised her, but he was sure she believed him as much as any other promise he’d given her. Instead of offering empty words he’d tell her he’d prove himself. ”We’ve almost arrived at the castle. I’m going to get you a warm meal, a bath, and a comfortable place to sleep.” He told her a matter of factly. There was no question what he was going to provide for her. He didn’t mention the comfortable sleeping place would be in his arms. Indigo refused to let her out of his sight. ”It’s just a little further ahead.”

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.