
purple diamond in the rough



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-16-2021, 07:31 PM
He grabbed a couple of the thicker furs that were getting stored away for warmer weather and made up another bedding place. Positioned within the main pile of furs in the middle of the floor. Old blankets and tapestries, ancient cushions and mattresses, Indigo spared no effort to make this room warm, cozy, and comfortable for himself and his misfits. That now very much included Gypsy. The young man grabbed a couple more furs and headed down to get dinner. Sometimes he liked a good prepared meal, but mostly he was looking to get Gypsy fed.

Indigo threw the furs over his back, picked out a haunch of something, stuck a couple of skewers into it and headed towards the main hall and the fire to start making up dinner. He arrived before Duchess returned with Gypsy, just enough time to quarter the haunch and roast it over the fire. He wasn’t a great cook, but any healer knew a warm meal did wonders for an unwell patient.

The hunk was nearly cooked when he heard pawsteps on the corridor. Indigo looked up to see Gypsy rushing towards the warmth of the fire. Bright blue eyes lifted further to find Duch’s features as he offered a smile of thanks. Carefully the massive wolf removed the meat from flame and let it cool as he scooted closer to Gyspy’s tiny form. ”I’m not a great cook, but I’ve got a warm dinner for you.” He promised, but she could no doubt smell it. He could and his stomach was growling the evidence. ”I think you should dry off more first,” Indigo dropped the furs at her feet. He went back to dinner and shredded the hot meat before offering it to the poor starved girl. ”Eat as much as you want.” He offered before turning back to Duchess and offering the other cooked quarter before he skewered the second half of the haunch and put them over the fire.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.