
purple diamond in the rough



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-16-2021, 07:34 PM
She was stuffed full and looked like she had finally gotten warm. Indigo could take pride knowing this was likely the best she had ever been treated in her young life. Not that she was any younger than he was, but she had been caged and stifled where he was trained and flourished under both tough love and loving care. Indigo had come a long way from the lost boy he once was. Even if he continued to doubt himself there was growth that could be plainly seen. The combined efforts of many wolves he loved and lost to this point.

Tears stung at his eyes, however much growth he’d made he was still a sentimental fool with little control over his emotions. It was just everything. Gypsy’s sweet voice was the last straw of the weight on Indigo’s back. Each wolf no longer with him seared a hole in him as they took a piece of him with every loss. Meadow, Iolaire, Rue, Zee, Azure, and Resin. Gone. His heart was always miles away from him, nestled carefully with Aslatiel. Indigo didn’t remember what it was like to be complete.

And still. His pain was nothing in comparison to the girl curled up beside the fire. ”I hope it’s better than being tied to a tree in the cold.” He uttered softly, not meaning to let the bitterness towards her captor seep through but the words were off his lips before he could think. A frustrated sigh left him as he used one massive black paw to rub his eyes. She wondered what he wanted from her, and there was indeed a desire he had for her. However unlike anything anyone wanted from her before. Indigo wanted to see her smile, he wanted her to experience joy and happiness. He wanted her to find her purpose to become more than the object her father created.

”I’m sorry,” he apologized for letting his emotions get the better of him. ”It just baffles me… how anyone could do this to you.” Indigo’s voice was soft and deep, barely audible over the crackling of the fire in front of them. All he had were words, and they would never be enough. He sighed again. ”Do you want to sleep here? You look… comfortable.” That fact did brighten him slightly, bringing the corners of his lips up. ”Or would you feel better with us, up in the den?” He still didn’t make any movements as he watched her through lidded blue eyes.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.