
purple diamond in the rough



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-16-2021, 07:35 PM
She didn’t harbor any hesitation as Indigo led her onwards back towards the suite that he had claimed for himself and the strays that he was collecting. Gypsy didn’t say as much but he couldn’t help but think his verbal assistance was helping and appreciated. She didn’t stumble nearly at all, and almost looked confident in her stride if you ignored the exhaustion. She needed to sleep. Duchess looked comfortable already, but he couldn’t imagine she had found sleep so quickly. Not after today. Indigo easily showed her the place he intended for her to sleep, very close to where he naturally curled around Duchess every night.

His attention was fully on Gypsy though, bright blue eyes watched in the dimness how she daintily placed tiny paws in the thick furs. He heard the surprised gasp from her lips as she experienced his gift to her. Gypsy took no time in curling up within the soft pelts. He thought he saw a sparkle in her silvery gaze, surely she wasn’t crying? But the sound of her voice led him to believe her emotions had gotten the better of her.

Indigo understood more than she could know, he was often too emotional for his own good. While he was looking after Gypsy he didn’t have to think about his own problems and issues that plagued him, he could focus on the damaged girl. He could make a difference in her life, there was little to be done about his own.

Brows furrowed as he watched her cry into the furs, and very carefully and quietly he lowered himself beside her. Placing his massive head against her side in the semblance of an embrace. ”You are more than welcome.” He returned in a similarly toned whisper. ”I want to make up for what you’ve been through.” Indigo promised her quietly. He could continue to make promises until he turned from purple to brown and never convince her, but maybe she was beginning to believe him. ”I don’t want you to have to live in fear anymore.”

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.