
what have i found



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-16-2021, 07:47 PM
She curled against him, holding him tight as he finally succumbed to the storm of emotion he’d shoved deeper and deeper inside. The dam was breaking and yet he held back, he held on to that last secret holding the two of them apart. He clung to it like he clung to her now refusing to let go because of what if. It wasn’t like Aslatiel and Duchess would be separate forever, surely she would know something was going on as soon as every moment alone was with his sister. He opened his mouth to try and explain further as she told him he’d never have to be without her. She’d be right beside him, always.

His whole body ached as he struggled within himself. He wanted to confess, to tell her exactly what was going on instead of leading her on. He hated himself for not having the strength to go on with what he needed to say. For both their sakes. He opened his eyes and looked out over the ocean as he held onto her tighter despite everything inside of him. She needed him just as much as he needed her, she confessed after she nuzzled his jaw reassuringly. He should have been the one to be strong in front of her instead of the other way around. The world had a great habit of reminding him of the lost little boy he really was. No matter how ‘grown up’ he felt today.

Indigo closed his eyes again, tucking his chin against her. His heart ceased to beat as he questioned her, opening the box like he’d never intended to. ”Duchess, do you... love me?” Indigo really didn’t deserve her. The devotion she showed him was far too good for anything he could offer in return. He didn’t have the capability of loving her as much as she loved him. His other piece was not beside him, that was why he clung to her so hard. He was forbidden from Asla. It was all a game, a mask, to get him through, but he was weak and couldn't even hold himself together.

He’d opened the can of worms, he asked what he never should have pressed. Naiche knew about he and Aslatiel, he’d told her he loved her. If Duchess felt the same way then she deserved to know him fully. He didn’t know what would happen, but he wanted to do the right thing, even if he’d failed to this point. Indigo should have told her the night he got back from the funeral.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.