
what have i found



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-16-2021, 07:51 PM
He knew it wasn’t right or alright, nor was he forgiven even if she hadn’t up and left him. Indigo realized early on she deserved so much more than he could give her, and yet she remained. Curled up even tighter in the crook of his neck and against his huge form. There was a discernible difference, and it was all because he hadn’t made himself honest to begin with. He was terrible at wearing the mask, he felt too deeply and loved too easily. However intensely he felt about Duchess, Aslatiel had long stolen away his heart. He closed his eyes, very suddenly feeling like all of his mistakes were laid out before him, obvious as the ocean that continued to beat against the sand beach.

He hoped that she knew she could ask him anything and he’d tell her now. He’d kept the fact to himself for so long, she didn’t deserve less. Indigo sighed softly as he held her, disappointed in himself, but so grateful for the girl. He’d move mountains for her if he had to. Indigo wasn’t lying when he’d told her that he needed her. If that man even so much as sniffed in Duch’s direction Indigo was ready to defend her. He wouldn’t have second thoughts about taking a life. Not when it came to the wolves he cared for, Indigo had already lost too much.

After everything he said and had done to her Duchess still lifted her features to his lips. Indy closed his eyes and savored the moment, embracing how different he made what lingered between them. He’d failed no matter the outcome of tonight, because of his own miserable mistakes. He didn’t know whether to hold back now or dive in further, Indy returned Duch’s affection, craved it like he was having withdrawals. Not listening to that voice at the back of his head. It felt right so it had to be right.

Indigo embraced the deep feeling of loss that had lingered just over his shoulder all day, the rush of emotion from the day, from talking to Duchess now, from the hits he was taking left and right. He accepted all of it, and he collapsed under it with Duchess in his arms.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.