
You're going to have to be faster than that

Alastor - spring seasonal



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
05-16-2021, 08:20 PM

She could see it in his obsidian gaze - he recognized this connection between them as strongly as she had. It was as if their souls had been drawn together without their knowing, some twist of fate forcing them to find each other at exactly the right time. His words were music to her ears. Just say the word. It felt strange to think that's all it would take, but it felt right. She would take what was hers and she would give him herself in return. A little smirk pulled at her lips at the pet name he bestowed on her, enjoying it as she leaned into his touch, one of her paws coming up to rest over his to keep his paw against her cheek as she stared at him with a pure, unapologetic adoration and possessiveness. She loved the ground work he laid for them. She could keep him as hers as long as he could keep her as his. She grinned again when he told her to set the rules, wondering to herself if he understood how much that meant for her. She understood that the way Mendacium wolves lived was not the typical way of life for most and she hoped that the soul mate she had found in Alastor would allow her to bend him to those unusual rules.

Manea released his paw so that her forelegs could wrap around his neck, tracing the back of his neck and shoulders while she continued to savor this brute that would be hers. No, was hers. "I am yours, and you are mine..." she promised, knowing that above all that was the core of what this would be. "My heart and soul will always be loyal to you, though my body might wander..." A bit of a warning perhaps, in case he was the type that favored a more monogamous lifestyle. "There is one thing that is extremely important to me - more important than anything else... If you wish to sleep with others or bring others into our relationship you're welcome to, but... no one can bare your children besides me and I will only ever be pregnant by you... No children should ever come from anything less than two wolves that match each other as perfectly as we do..." She watched his expressions curiously as she laid the initial ground rules, curious to see how he might react to them. There was more to explain, more for him to agree to, but it was almost like peeling back layers, allowing him to decide if he was comfortable with each one before she pulled back another.

Manea | Temno