
You're going to have to be faster than that

Alastor - spring seasonal



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
05-16-2021, 08:26 PM

There was a small relief when he easily agreed to her first set of conditions and she appreciated that he took her requests seriously as she laid them out for him. It made her certain that he would follow through on his promise as he agreed with not giving his pups to anyone unworthy of bearing them - to which she grinned widely as he gave her a wink, loving the implication that she was someone he considered worthy. Pups played a large role in her family and their culture and litters were not had lightly. Telling someone that they were worthy of their children was a very high complement and she murred happily as she gave his chin a playful lick in response. Traveling for endless miles and far longer than she would like to admit in order to find the brute that was perfect for her had taken a toll on not only her but also her niece so to say that finally finding him was a relief was a massive understatement. She wasn't sure he quite understood the importance he played in her life just yet, but he soon would.

She gave him a curious look when he brought up a condition of his own, only for the curiosity to be pushed aside by intrigue and lust as she grinned at the request that she bring home any faes she found interest in so that he could enjoy them as well. She laughed lightly and nipped playfully at his jaw, her claws scratching lightly around the back of his neck. "Of course, my demon... I would be more than happy to share any beauties I find with you... I'll only bring home the best for you..." Not just any woman caught her attention and as such she wouldn't just bring back any fae for him to "sample". "Same goes to you... If there's anyone that catches your eye, I'd love to enjoy them with you..." She already adored the openness and sexual nature to their fledgling relationship. It was a part of her that she wasn't willing to compromise on and Alastor seemed to be just as eager to continue living out all of these sexual fantasies and weaving them into their lives together.

With the more enjoyable and more easily palatable portions of her lifestyle presented to him, she knew there were some other parts that she would need to tell him about sooner rather than later. As much as she was certain that he was hers, she still needed to know that when the time came to follow through with other aspects of their beliefs that he would still be willing to stand by her side. She refused to get to the point where she had one litter with this brute only for him to refuse her any more and doom her to a life of never having any more children so early on in her life. "There is something else that you should know before you truly decide to go down this path with me..." she mentioned as she brought one of her paws to lightly scratch affectionately around his ears. She knew that this part was the hardest to explain and even harder to understand so she only hoped that he could see past the horror to see the joy it could bring. "My family is incredibly selective of who we bring into our bloodline for a reason... Each of our pups is granted its life from our ancestors, the ancient ones... All of the strength, abilities, power, beauty, intelligence... We attribute it all to the power that their spirits grant us..."

She watched his expressions curiously as she spoke, still leaving little trails of affections around his ears, neck, shoulders, and chest as she spoke. "If we have a large litter, maybe four or five children... The ancient spirit tied to that litter is then divided between each of the pups, giving them an equal portion of this strength... That can make the whole litter weak and less powerful because of it... To ensure that we are taking advantage of all that our ancestor as to offer, we eliminate all but one child, allowing it to take on the full soul of the ancient one that blessed them... Giving them a fighting chance at this cruel world..." She paused, brushing her paw against his cheek while her aqua gaze searched his own, quietly wondering if he would be able to see their point of view. "If you need to stay away during the birth and the ceremony that follows, I'd understand... Many of the fathers I've seen in our family have done that for their own sake... But I need you to understand that this is something that I must do... I am only allowed to ever bear children from one wolf so if you allow me to have you I am then bound to you for the rest of my life..."

Manea | Temno