
You're going to have to be faster than that

Alastor - spring seasonal



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
05-16-2021, 08:40 PM

Manea hadn't known what to expect when she questioned what was swirling through his mind to make his dark gaze grow so distant, but as he began to speak and explain the twisted past he was raised in she understood. She laid across him, quiet and attentive as he revealed how his father picked off his siblings one by one in the most horrifying and gruesome ways she could possibly imagine. She clearly had no problem with killing or death, as was evidenced with the dire wolf that they had continued to use as a pillow for the duration of their mating, but the things he described went so far beyond just murder or killing or death. These were horrors and atrocities that shouldn't be brought upon anything less than the lowest scum of the earth and most certainly never should have happened to young pups. A boiling rage began to build and stir in her gut the longer he continued listing each of the horrendous ways his siblings were murdered, furious that wolves like his father existed, even more furious at his mother for allowing it. Yes, her family killed new born pups, she acknowledged that fact and understood how the large majority of the world found issue with their practices, but they cherished each of those lives and saw the beauty in their sacrifices. What he was describing was just cruel and torturous for some sort of sick gain that she didn't want to try and understand.

His eyes met hers once more and she let him continue as he held her tighter and more possessively against him. She was sickened by the tales he wove for her, her jaw tense as her teeth grit together as she fought the urge to go track down his father and castrate him for everything he had done. He finished by giving her his hard ultimatum for her rules, giving the explanation why the timing mattered so much to him. Now that she knew his dark, twisted childhood she understood completely. She would have accepted his conditions either way, but she appreciated how open he had been with her all the same. She was slightly surprised to hear him say that he would remain with her through the birth and deaths of their children and easily agreed to not ask him to take their lives. If that was the only part that he didn't wish to partake in she would easily agree to those terms. "Of course..." she replied easily, "I would never ask you to do that and I would just be happy to have you with me through it all... I never want them to suffer, that's never my intention... It's always quick... As much as it's a gift to be the one chosen to carry on the family's legacy, it is also a mercy to be the ones sent back to live among the ancients..."

Manea's paws came to rest on either side of his face, gently stroking across the soft fur there and tracing the red outline that accented each pitch black eye set into his handsome face. "You didn't deserve that... Any of it... And neither did your siblings..." she told him as her aqua gaze searched his, her brow creased with anger towards wolves she would hopefully never meet. She didn't want to bring up any more of these dark memories for him, but she had to ask... "What happened to your parents...?"

Manea | Temno