
You're going to have to be faster than that

Alastor - spring seasonal



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
05-16-2021, 08:44 PM

A smile found its way onto her lips as he agreed that he could give himself to her wholly. She didn't necessarily need him to completely subscribe to her beliefs if he didn't agree with them as completely as she did, though it would be a delight if he ever did. She understood that their views were vastly different from most and certainly didn't expect him to agree with them right away. Just knowing that he could at least allow her to practice the things that had been bred into her that she still found comfort in was enough. She nodded and brushed her muzzle lightly against his as he mentioned how he would like to get to know her beliefs and understand all of her before they reached that stage, a small grin pulling at her lips. "I would love nothing more..." she agreed. Nothing was off limits to him now. She had gifted him the most precious parts of herself, the parts that she would never allow another to touch, and now as she laid draped comfortably across his from with their hearts beating together, she finally felt like she was complete.

When she asked about his parents, she had fully expected to have one of two reactions. Either she was going to hear that they were still alive somewhere and she was going to immediately insist on finding them to rip them apart piece by piece or she was going to get to enjoy the tale of how he enacted his revenge. As soon as she saw that malicious grin spread across his face, revealing the vicious teeth that stood out in stark contrast against his midnight coat, she knew it would be the latter. She smirked and settled back to listen to the tale as casually as a pup listening to a bedtime story. She chuckled softly when she heard how he had convinced his father out onto rocky ridge, clearly oblivious to his son's intentions. Stupid bastard. Her claws played with the fur on his chest while he spoke, enjoying hearing of how his father suffered in his final moments and was glad that he hadn't finished him off quickly.

Her smile faded a bit as well as he spoke of how his mother had gotten off easy, in the grand scheme of things, with just slipping away in the night and escaping whatever Alastor could have done to him. A snarl twitched at her lips as she fought with her own desire to track the bitch down and teach her a lesson for letting any of those atrocities happen to her children, but in the end she decided to let it go and just hope, as she was sure he did, that something horrible had befallen her in the end. Gods help her if they ever crossed paths... Manea would show her what she deserved for being a failure of a mother.

Her attention returned to her delightful demon when he stated that left him trying to find where he belonged in the world with a more cheerful grin returning to his face and a squeeze around her body. She chuckled and let a grin pull at her lips as well before she gave his chin a playful lick. "You're not alone any more... I'll always give you a place to belong..." Manea corrected him, fixing him with a look that spoke to how possessive she felt of him, her aqua eyes shining with a hungry, undeniable love that she could try to put into words and would ultimately fail. She knew it was crazy to feel that way only having known each other for such a short time, but she had learned long ago to trust where her life led her and to not pass up the things that felt right. He was hers. She protected what was hers. The wolves she counted as hers were few, but the few she had she cherished with a fervor that couldn't be matched.

Manea | Temno