
You had me at Hello

Pontifex I


07-31-2013, 04:36 PM

He could feel Pacifica brush against him, allowing her lithe body to crouch beside him as she prepared herself to gather their lunch. Pontifex was too busy admiring the view. He couln't remember if he'd ever seen a bear before. The large creatures seemed somewhat familiar, but the esquire wasn't too sure. Either way, the man was torn between curiosity and wariness of the large beasts. They were powerful things, their musculature much greater than any wolves, their claws much much longer and sharper than a wolfs. They looked to be like slow, lumbering creatures, but the grey and black man wasn't so easily fooled. The muscles wrapping their massive frames told him that they weren't as slow as they appeared to be.

He had just crouched down to get a better look at the fish that they wre going to be hunting, when suddenly Pacifica wasn't beside him, but instead toppling over him, her silver body falling over to his left side. The esquire allowed his belly to kiss the earth, limbs folding beneath hi as he lowered himself to lessen Pacifica's impact. Confused Golden gaze flickered over to his companion, brows furrowing together as he followed her sky blue to the source of her tumbling; a giant fish! Inky lips quirked up in a silent laugh, his shoulders heaving as he tried to contain his laughter, not wanting to come off as rude. Though he had to admit, watching his friend get attacked by a giant fish was pretty hilarious. Guess the food came to us this time. he joked playfully, allowing a gentle laugh to bubble from his lips.

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