
Stages of grief




5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-16-2021, 08:48 PM


Ulric rested his head atop hers and it didn't even occur to Eska to deny him. The woman's golden orbs closed and little fireworks went off, electrifying her flesh where he touched her. Would it have felt the same if she wasn't drunk? If he wasn't drunk? Either way, she really, really liked it. Physical touch was something that Eska rather enjoyed, under the right circumstances. She wasn't your typical, cuddly, affectionate fae, but behind closed doors... Eska was a passionate creature.

The brindled fae's experience with males wasn't extreme. She'd had brief flings with two men in her time. It had opened her to the world of sex and affection, but she had never craved it like some did. Even those relationships took place when she was younger. These days... Eska wanted something more. A connection with a like mind. Someone that she could devote herself to and would devote themselves to her. Someone to be a true partner with. Yes, she had high standards. No, she would not settle.

As the giant man nosed gently through her smoke and silver coat, Eska couldn't stop a small sound of breathy pleasure from escaping her maw. Perhaps it was the alcohol, but every stroke felt perfect. Ulric's soft voice met her ears and she considered his words. Could she stay? She didn't have anywhere else to go. He expressed the need for strong, dedicated members. Then... he asked her to stay for himself. He wanted her to stay. The fae's obsidian ears tucked for a moment as she considered his words. He wanted her to stay.

This was all happening so fast. Though she was quite inebriated, Eska never lost her sense of self. She felt such a pull towards Ulric. It was as though the threads of fate were slowly plaiting, binding them together. It was too much, too fast. And yet... it wasn't unwelcome. Eska was always thoughtful; always open to the possibilities. She knew though that her judgement was clouded due to the drink. She needed to deal with herself first.

Gently, she extracted her head from beneath Ulric's. Pulling back just enough, she searched silver eyes with golden. Heat throbbed within her chest, as did other things. Raising one silver dipped paw, Eska cupped Ulric's cheek lightly. She then brought her lips against his, just a soft brush of skin on skin but the feeling was electric. "For you, I'll stay," she whispered against his lips. She wasn't able to trust herself if she stayed, so she forced herself to her paws. "Sleep well, Ulric." Eska turned and made her way off of the balcony and back down to the guest room where she had stayed the first night. Fire burned within her belly, but she would be glad that she'd not gone through with her lustful urges on the morrow. Eska lay awake for a long while, but eventually sleep claimed her.