
You're going to have to be faster than that

Alastor - spring seasonal



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
05-16-2021, 08:49 PM

Seeing that smile cross his face made her want to keep him happy for the rest of their days. She had never experienced anyone with a grin that was expressive as his and and now she wanted to experience it forever. She chuckled and gave him a grin of her own when he promised to keep her to the fact that she would give him a place to belong. She had meant it with her entire heart. His family may have mistreated and tortured him, but no longer. She would make sure that her demon was cared for and treated the way that he deserved. She murred happily when he nipped at her nose and pressed a firm kiss to her lips, making her chuckle and grin when he pulled away again. He was so wonderfully chaotic in the most perfect way. It made no sense and yet some how made perfect sense at the exact same time. He was just Alastor and she was already fully addicted to everything that he was.

She giggled at the string of questions he presented her with, a wide grin across her face. "So you're going to learn about me all in one go, huh...?" she teased as she nipped playfully at his chin. "It's Mendacium... Manea Mendacium..." She held a lot of pride in her family and her name and that showed in her expression as she declared her full name for him. "I have a niece here with me... Nirvana Mendacium... I'm sure she'll love you and hopefully I'm able to bring my brother to Boreas as well, though he's been difficult to track down..." Her smile faltered a little as she thought about her missing brother, not necessarily because he was missing, but because he hadn't been there when they needed him and his absence had put her in a more difficult place than she could have ever planned for.

"My niece - she's still very young... I've raised her as my own daughter, but she knows the truth of what happened so she still very much knows me as her aunt..." She was glad that Alastor had such a love of pups. Hopefully he and Nirvana took well to each other, through she was certain they would. She was sure that one of his next questions would be how Nirvana came to live with her so she figured she might as well go ahead and answer that as well while she was at it. "My sister... She suffered some very serious complications during childbirth... She lived long enough to help with selecting Nirvana as her chosen child, but just as I was finishing the ceremony she began to slip away and requested that I kill her as well to be able to add her own spirit to Nirvana's..." Her ears flicked as she went on, her expression darkening a bit and brows pulling together. "Nirvana's worthless father refused to understand that my sister was going to die one way or another and begged me not to... I followed through with my sister's wishes and he left, refusing to have anything to do with raising his daughter..."

She certainly hadn't needed his help in the end, but it had left her completely alone with a new born pup to protect and fend for on her own. "I sent ravens out in search of our brother so he could assist me with hunting and the like, but he couldn't be found..." She sighed, giving a small shrug of her shoulders. In the end they had made it out on the other side and had grown stronger because of it, but she still wondered where her brother had run off to that made him so impossible to find. It hadn't even been a case of they found him and he refused to join them - he just couldn't be found.

Manea | Temno