
You're going to have to be faster than that

Alastor - spring seasonal



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
05-16-2021, 08:56 PM

Manea scoffed softly and smirked when Alastor declared that Nirvana's father had been unworthy to father children. She wanted to believe that her sister would have been more careful than that with who she chose as the father of her children, but she also understood how someone's flaws truly rose to the surface in times of stress such as that one. The brightness that came to Alastor's face when he talked about Nirvana and his excitement to meet her made her smile. His obvious love for pups was incredibly endearing and it made her all the more excited to make him a father some day in the not so distant future. If he was this excited to meet a child that wasn't his own, she could only imagine the joy he would have from meeting his own. The longer they revealed parts of themselves to each other the more it felt as if they were perfectly tailored to one another and she grew ever more sure that he wasn't just her soul mate, he wasn't just the demon destined to be interwoven into her bloodline. He was someone that she could truly spend her life with and savor beyond the obvious desire for his perfectly sculpted body.

Her brows lifted with interest when he spoke of his skills he had in tracking and hunting, offering to keep her and Nirvana fed as well as help her find her long lost brother. She had no problem tracking prey and keeping herself and Nirvana fed, but she would never turn down help and she of course would never turn away help with trying to find her brother. She had all but given up on finding him, resigning herself to the fact that perhaps it was time for her to just start repopulating their branch of the Mendacium tree herself instead of trying to gather the few remaining twigs that existed, but if there was a hope that Alastor might come across him she wouldn't turn it down. She grinned and leaned forward to press a lingering kiss to his lips, her claws lightly scratching appreciatively at the back of his neck. She slipped away again after a few moments, replying, "Even if Amator never turns up, I still appreciate the offer... Just your willineness to look for him means the world to me..."

She gave his lips another quick kiss, a grin pulling across her lips. "Shall we get cleaned up and go introduce you to Nirvana then...? She might be asleep by now, but come morning I'm sure she'll want to meet her new uncle..."

Manea | Temno