
Stages of grief




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
05-16-2021, 09:09 PM
Ulric tried his best to ignore how their fur mingled together and how sparks and electricity danced across his skin wherever they touched, but he wasn't wholly successful in that endeavor. That little sigh of pleasure encouraged him, kept him nuzzling through her scruff, making his mind going places it certainly shouldn't be going with someone that he had just met. Someone that was here because of the shared grief they felt. Someone that had just lost a mother she had never gotten to know. And yet his foggy mind still went there on its on accord as he waited for her response to his question, silently praying that she might agree.

Then he felt her move, lifting her head and forcing him to bring himself out of her fur, away from her scent that was filling his senses and intoxicating him more than the wine ever could. Silver and gold met as he watched her curiously and with a desire that he knew better than to feel, feeling her paw rest on his cheek a moment before she gave him another dose of that wonderful electric static with a gentle brush of her lips against his. She would stay. For him. The strength of the disappointment that squeezed at his chest surprised even him when she rose to her paws, leaving his side feeling distinctly empty.

He wanted to stop her, to ask her to stay with him for the night as well, but he wouldn't press his luck. He let her go with a longing glance, rumbling in return, "You as well, Eska." He watched her go, sighing softly once she was out of sight. He laid there for a few moments longer, glancing at the empty wine bottle beside him, before finally rising to his paws as well and finding his way to his room, closing himself inside. He laid on his bed, staring at the ceiling and thinking about the faint hint of a kiss she had offered him until he eventually drifted off into the only real sleep he had gotten in quite some time.

Ulric Adravendi