
To Catch a Cow

Pack Hunt


High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-16-2021, 11:36 PM

Rudy had time to sit there and just think for a time.  As much as it might surprise some the motley wolf did know how to be still and let his mind wander, well sort of.  Rudy’s mind tended to find one thought to focus on and delve into plotting on the one thing.  He hadn’t informed anyone of planning a hunt beforehand so who knew how far away other hunters were.  Rudy didn’t think of mom long, refusing himself to get lost any longer in that pain tonight.  There was no option to be distracted in this upcoming hunt.  Instead, he focused on the future he had designed for himself.  How things would be in a few years and what he needed to become to reach his goals.

After a time Jane showed up and Rudy shifted his focus to her and the upcoming hunt.  He gave a quick sway of his tail in acknowledgment, “Hi Jane,” the young Carpathius offered in false good cheer.  It was false but Rudy was a dang good scam artist in this area when desired.  Fake it till you make it and maybe this hunt and socializing could offer him a bit of true fun. “There is some gaur not too far away.  It seemed a good time to get a good size meal to share with the pack.  You want in?”

Maybe he should have waited to explain things as then Ezra showed up, “Hey Ezra, interested in helping us catch a gaur?  They aren’t overly far away.”  Rudy glanced farther into the gods' garden before looking back at them, flashing a grin, “So, either of you done much hunting as a group before?” Rudy imagined it would be a good idea to verify their current abilities.  Three would be enough to get the job done.  Rudy determined right then not only would they catch one but they wouldn’t get hurt either.  This was going to be a perfect hunt.  It was his job to protect everyone in the pack right?  That would include this hunt also.

Rudyard Carpathius